This has been one hell of a week. Katrina hitting the gulf coast hit close to home with me, luckily my siblings evacuated the areas they lived in and all are safe.
*My brother and his wife are unsure of the state of their property they live in Jefferson parish just south of New Orleans and own a camp near Myrtle Grove, La. They have no ideal what is going on near their home, there have been mixed reports, it’s either there or not they won’t know until they are able to get back. The house in Myrtle Grove is most likely gone. They may have very little left of 25 years of hard work. These people are the American dream. My brother came from a dirt poor family and his wife came from a middle class family. He is an electrician and she is a hair stylist. No one gave them anything, their family’s could not afford too, everything they had they worked for. I feel bad for them and wish them the best.
My sisters are fine. My sister who lived in Biloxi had only just move there and owned no property she will be fine. I don’t think she knows where she is going but she has always been a roamer at heart. My sister in Pensacola had no damage at all.
Because of the hurricane I’m having trouble getting in touch with folks down there, as I have said in e-mails call me if your hear anything and I will be in touch if I hear anything!
*I’ve been trying not to comment on the behavior of some of the folks who live in NO. I will say this much: there is no way when something like this happens that emergency folks or the government can be expected to be there the next hour or the next day. I live on the coast and the powers that be clearly say that if you stay you must accept responsibility for yourself and your family. It is understood that EMS will not go into an unsafe environment. It is understood that it may be days before you can expect food and water deliveries. I saw one comment from FEMA that said they did not expect the lawlessness that transpired in New Orleans. People, no matter how poor, have to accept responsibility for their actions. I hope the folks that were seen looting TV’s and jewelry are arrested. There is a law down there that says you can’t do that! I hope we all learn from this. My god it’s the “War of the Worlds” movie in real life!! Well that’s my soap box and I’m getting off of it now.
* Another piece of bad news Chief Justice William Rehnquist has died. I was rooting for him. He will be missed.