Tuesday, August 02, 2016


When I woke up this morning I could tell that it would be another cloudy and most likely rainy day.  You get so you can feel it in your bones.  I must say I am tired of the damp.  Of course this time of year if it is not wet then it is hot and dry.  I hate to wish my life away but I am looking forward to mid August, that is when the temperatures start to mellow and I can once again comfortably work outside and as always I have a lot to do...

This morning I did catch a little glimpse of sunshine,  that one little red orb waiting for me to come and get it.  I will wait a little while and hope that a little sun touches it.  One of the most simple of pleasures is popping a warm fresh off the vine cherry tomato in the mouth.  Sun or no that tomato will not be there tomorrow....

Trip is starting to really show her age, she is having some trouble walking but heck she will be 15 in September, she is an old lady, her time left on this earth is measured in weeks or months not years.  She is still alert, her bark still set's the other dogs off.  She still seems to like to lie down by my chair while I drink my coffee and tool the net.  And while her eyes are not as bright as they once were she seems to still "be there".  Its hard to tell with a dog but she seems to still understand what I want her to do.  She is a good dog and I very much enjoy her presents.

The world today is a troublesome one.  It seems like political discourse is every where and if you listen to the media Armageddon is around the corner.  It is hard to find simple right now, simple pleasure, simple conversation, simple life.  But if you look hard enough you will find little glimpses of it.  That cherry tomato, the rain, that loved dog. Simple.  One does not have to stick their head in the sand for simple,  one can be aware of the world around them and know what is happening.  One can actively live in the world and do what they can to change it and still not be consumed by the troubles of the world.  Find that little simple every day, be truly happy for just a few minutes every day.  Your life will be better and the lives around you will be better.

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Summer pleasures

Life is full of simple summer pleasures, things that are just nice to look at. Simple things that bring a little bit of peace in an other wise busy world.  How lucky I feel to be able to experience nature. 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Friday, June 17, 2016

The mountain,

They cut the top off of a mountain but not exactly the top and not exactly a mountain. What they actually did was cut trees and when they cut those trees they ruined my view. Well they didn't exactly ruin my view but they changed it and you know as humans we don't really like change that much. But I'm going to take exception to this I don't think it was a bad thing, I am watching the scene change. What was a hill, yes I am changing the mountain to a hill, full of trees as green as could be is now a barren wasteland. Well not exactly a barren wasteland more like a clean canvas. What started this spring as a grey barren area now has blotches of green and Orange.  I am watching as the view changes.  What will happen there?  I can see what looks like a flat area on the top of the wasteland with a road cut into the red clay leading up to it.  What will happen up there?  A house, the return of nature or a little of both.  We shall see.

Late spring 2016

The first cut of hay for the year, I never tire of this view. 

The girl dog will be 15 in September, she is a good dog, I love her dearly... 

 This is the start of the 2016 garden shots.  I have enjoyed this little flower garden over the past few years.  The plants in it come up on their own every year.  I did add the short red ones in the front, cant remember what they are called.

These two wanted to help unfortunately my ideal of help and theirs differ, hence they are on the outside of  the fence...

Sunday, January 31, 2016

January wrap up

Boy this month has gone by so quick!!

January was pretty much normal,  The weather finally decided to turn cold, the first real snow of the season was on the 22-23.  I had to stay at work over night because the roads were a bit harry.  The folks further north had it much worse than we had it around hear, IE blizzard.

I had my normal January get together and the animals are doing great!!

Like I said a normal January.

Now if you were to look at the 2016 political shit, its been a real interesting January and not in a good way.....

Friday, January 01, 2016


A year ago today my dog Zeke died,  he was a good dog and I have missed him BUT I know he had a good life.  I will always remember him fondly.  Dogs are such a comfort to us and I will always have one;  they are the companions to human kind, they are a pleasure and a grief,  their lives are so short and we know it but we treasure their presence any way.  I am thankful I had Zeke's companionship and I treasure my two dogs I have now, Trip and Bear.  The world is good and dog's are a big part of that goodness