Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How much oil has been put into the gulf thanks to this one spill? This is a little calculator I found.

How Much Oil Has Leaked Into the Gulf of Mexico? | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS

I just talked to my brother in Louisiana; things are a bit tough down there right now. He told me that work has really dried up. We got to talking about what is happening down in the gulf and he started to tell me about all that comes through Louisiana. It was an education, one that I feel needs to be shared so I found a simple leaflet that tells a lot about what is being effected by the gulf spill. This is just Louisiana, there are a total of 5 US states that boarder the gulf, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida are the other 4. we are not including the South American countries and Mexico.

A lot of people are directly affected and a lot more, we consumers in particular, are indirectly affected. This is a global catastrophe. This is going to cost ALL of us a lot. It is expensive in both monetary cost and ecological cost. There are over 6 billion people on this planet. We have no where else to go. We need to take care of the planet we have. We need to STOP the blame game and enact legislation that will forcibly change the way we treat the world. Money should not be the most important thing on this earth. It’s a bad time in the congress right now a lot of people are going to be out of a job, the tea party and other fanatics will see to that, so if you are going to lose your job anyway just do what is right. Change the laws to protect the earth and us.

Below is a simple fact sheet on Louisiana.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

When I moved to Floyd County I wanted to contribute to the county so I joined EMS. This weekend I took the EVAC course thinking I was going to learn to drive an ambulance……

This is similar to what I drove.

I passed the driving test and feel confident that I passed the written but I can tell you right now I have no intention of driving a fire truck!!!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I woke up this morning and the Buffalo was gone

Now its back.

Today is the day my friend the master gardener says I can plant so its off to the garden. Looks like a good day to be outside!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Thought I would just post a few words today before I got into my yard work. No photos for a while. My Cannon camera started shooting pink photos turned out it was a CCD connector (what ever that is) that needed to be fixed and Cannon was doing it for free so I sent it to the shop instead of buying another. I want a better camera but I don't want to spend the money right now.

Things up here have been BUSY. I have been trying to get things in shape on the property. Just mowing the grass is a chore; I spent over three hours yesterday just weed eating the property. I have another hour of weed eating today. When the weed eating is done I have to do some mowing, I know that sounds back wards but there is more weed eating than mowing. It turns out to be more than a days work that as to be done every 10 days or so.

I am also going to clear out some barbwire "bushes" that I have been meaning to take care of. These are just big balls of wire that have formed big ball shapes and then have weeds and such growing through them. One has a nice rhubarb plant growing in the middle of it. I also HAVE to get the garden area done this week.

The weather has been so hot that I have not been able to get much done outside; I am a cold weather person. The next few days are going to be in the 60's so I should be able to get a lot done. Of course that is if I don't get distracted; I'm already going to be hiking up the Buffalo tomorrow with a friend but what is a person to do I have not seen her all winter and we want to get together!!

Well I will post again later and hopefully I will get some photos in.