Well Labor Day has come and gone and along with it summer.
Now I know that summer is not officially over till September 23
rd but let’s face it, weather or not you are in school or have kids in school, when school starts summer ends.
I had a good summer up here in the mountains. I can say without a doubt I did not miss the beach at all. Not one iota, not one little bit. I missed the kids (grown men actually), my mom and friends but not the traffic and heat. I did hit the beach in June; a friend wanted to go so we went, it was too damn hot but we did have a good time, sorta. I will be heading to the beach in October when the weather will be much better. I did keep a good weather eye on the Outer Banks this past week; Earl made its way up towards the coast but turned just in time. The Banks got some rain but the Labor Day weekend was nice (if you like hot)

Looking down the trail from where we had come

Rest time
I spent my weekend having mountain fun. A friend and I took a bike ride on the New River Trail State Park it was really nice. I was surprised at how many people there were from all over the country and beyond. I talked to someone who was from Chicago, someone who was from Wilmington NC, lots of people from Virginia and a person from Romania. There were people walking, running and riding bikes. Horse back riding is allowed but I did not see any of that. A lot of people were walking their dogs. I saw a beautiful Great Pyrenees, he was such a sweet dog.
Of course I went to a few out door get togethers. There is something to be said for dinner with friends and camp fires. I can’t remember my last smore and stick roasted hot dog. I had both this weekend.
I did some apple picking and I’m getting the last of the tomatoes in.
Yep summer is almost over.
But I LOVE fall!!!!