I have to say that after the cold winter we have had waking up to temps in the 30’s felt almost balmy. I had to think about starting a fire this morning I finally did but that was only after looking at the power bill and thinking “I can get it lower than that”. I did start one last night when I got home from work but I did not get up during the night and put any wood on the fire, my stove is small so it only holds a fire about 6-8 hours so usually one time during the night I put another log on the fire but last night was busy at work and I got off late and I was dead tired when I went to bed, so this morning around 4 o’clock I said frack it I’m going back to sleep.
I am getting the loft done. I have the hip walls framed in and will put the wainscoting up next week. It’s going to look nice up there. It will be a comfortable place for company and a nice place for me to work on sewing and such. I think one of the best things I did when building the cabin was put in the spiral stair. I was going to use a ladder but the spiral stair does not use much room and is so much easier to go up and down, especially when you are in your 50’s, than a ladder would have been. Plus it just looks nice. At the pace I am going I still have a month or so of work to do n the loft but the important thing is its is getting done and I’m doing a good job!!
I still have projects to get done in the house, I want to build a pantry I still have trim that needs to get up, the list is never ending but that is part of the fun of having a new home and county living.