Well we are half way through July and the government is as f-uped as ever and if there is not some kind of COMPROMISE the country is going to face Armageddon…… Well here in paradise the garden is looking really nice and if all goes well I will have plenty of green beans, tomatoes and butternut squash to hold me over till next spring. I will keep on working in my garden, trying to do the best for my plants and my food future while those idiots in Washington fight like children over who broke the toy, both refusing to admit that it was the fight over who could play with the toy that broke it and neither accepting that they will all have to pay to replace it. Man politics just makes me sooo pissed off!! Thank god for the garden!!!!
Sorry about the political crap but I needed to vent.....
Now for some better stuff,

I have not had a big bug problem until recently now I am fighting Japanese beetles and squash bugs. I have been controlling the Japanese beetles by picking them off.
I found that if you water the plants first the beetles hold on tight to the leaves and are less likely to drop to the ground when you go after them.
Once they drop to the ground they are really hard to find.
I tried real hard not to use any pesticides in the garden but the squash bugs got so bad that I used a little sevens dust on the pumpkins and butter nut squash. I tried very hard to avoid the flowers because sevens dust is very toxic to bees.