Friday, August 31, 2018

I'm still here just not into writing at this time......

Sunday, February 04, 2018

I had not realized how long it has been since I posted.  In all honesty 2017 was not the best year for me mentally.  I don't  mean mentally in a medical way, I have just not been in a "good mood" for the past year.  I can feel the, for lack of a better word, anger starting to dissipate a little.  History is cyclic, humans tend to repeat the errors of the past but slowly but surely we do advance.  Hopefully we will advance on the path to Shangri-la and not the dystopian path that is depicted in so many modern novels.

I had a dog named Zeke and he would sit on the edge of the yard and look down on the field below.  My friend, Farmer Tim, keeps cattle down there and Zeke would just watch them from up high.  You could see him scouring the horizon just looking.  He seemed so at peace when he sat there. About 3 years ago Zeke passed away, he was twelve, and he is sorely missed.  I have a new boy, Sarto, and I often find him sitting there, looking down on the cows, scouring the horizon and seeming at peace. Zeke died long before Sarto was born so these action are all his own, not learned behavior.  Sarto doesn't remind me much of Zeke, Zeke was a very laid back dog and Sarto is not but every once and awhile he does something that is just uncanny Zeke.  Like sitting on the edge of the yard looking down on the cattle.

Just one thing, Sarto can come in and out as he pleases. These photos were taken out of a window so as not to disturb him. It is cold and dreary out this AM and he is now curled up on the couch. Warm and dry