Sunset on the Albemarle Sound taken from Colington Island, New Years Eve 2007
"I leave binary thinking to computers"
I had a few of my niece’s kids down this week and we took a trip to the Poulos house to look at the Christmas lights. Mr. Poulos works hard on this every year and it is a real treat for the folks of the Outer Banks especially the small children.
I finally started wrapping Christmas presents. It has taken me a while to get into the spirit this year, I don’t know it just hasn’t felt like Christmas, but I have started watching my Christmas movies, you know the classics “Die Hard”, “Leathel Wepon”, “Christmas Vacation”, and “It’s a Wonderful Life” just to name a few, to get me in the mood and it seems to be working. I will be icing cakes tonight and delivering them tomorrow, that always make me feel good.
Well off to the wrapping paper and tape.
This is my dog Zeke lying on his blanket surrounded by his favorite toys at the foot of my chair near the computer. Now sad to say Zeke is not the sharpest tool in the shed and this morning while I was listening to a CPR video with the head phones on so as not to disturbed the #3 son Zeke started to emit a low growl. Well I looked up and peeked out the window just to make sure no one was coming up the steps and told him to be quiet, well not a minute latter he sat up and started to bark at me. It took a moment for me to figure it out but the dog had heard the instructor talking through the head phones and was freaking out. Trip the girl dog just looked up raised an eyebrow as to say “you dumb dog” and went back to sleep. Dogs ya gotta love em
Well as usual I have been keeping quite busy. The weather here on the Banks is just too good to stay in so between work and the great outdoors I just haven’t had time to blog.
The new house project is taking up a lot of time also and its amazing to me how much time getting nothing done can take. I’m chalking it up to the Holidays and am hoping that after the first of the year things will start moving again. Of course in all honesty my house building budget is very limited and I think builders look at it and laugh. I am looking into modular homes now and if that does not pan out I’m going to take my sons and a few of their friends up in June or July and just build the dam thing myself. All I want is a small cabin with 1 bedroom and a loft!!!! Cheese and crackers how hard can that be!!
Well I’m off I’ve caught the stomach flu. I seem to have peaks and valleys in the feeling good thing and right now and I seem to be heading to a valley. What a waste of a really nice day. :-)
It’s been a while since I have written in my blogg. It’s the 4th of December, the end of the year and I can hardly believe it. November flew by. It’s hard to believe that just over a week ago was Thanksgiving and my family and I were together in
Well it is promising to be a typical winter day here on the Outer Banks, I spent yesterday afternoon bringing the plants in preparation for the front that came through with strong winds and cool temperatures. This morning there is a stiff wind with temperatures in the 40’s. The skies are overcast but that promises to change. It should be a nice cool, windy day, a day perfect for curling up with a hot cup of coffee or tea and a long neglected magazine or two.