Ever since I moved into the cabin I have woke up in the morning put my feet on the floor and not stopped until it was time again for bed. Last week while I was on my way back from a, gotta get something so I can do some work on the cabin, trip to Roanoke and flipping through the radio stations looking for an adult alternative radio station, which there isn’t one!!, I came across a motivational speaker who was basically saying that god wants us to have fun and enjoy life. Well he wasn’t teaching hell and damnation or fire and brimstone so I listened. He went on to say that we should simplify our lives and slow down. This caused me to think about my own life at this time.
My #2 son just got back from the Philippines and he commented to me that he loved the way the Philippinoes on the little island he was on always smiled and seemed happy. Other than scooters/motorcycles and cell phones they really did not have much. Back in the states he noticed how no one smiled or seemed happy and were always in a hurry. Their mood just seemed much dimmer to him. He misses the Philippines.
I moved to the mountains to slow down and simplify and I’m not doing that. I am busier than ever. I get so caught up in what I am doing that I miss what is around me. I don't smile that much. Starting today I am going to take a few minutes every morning and relax, drink a cup of Joe and reflect on the day. I have just started my life here I want to enjoy it with a smile on my face. I want the neighbors to wonder “what’s she so happy about?"

My #1 and #2 sons were up to pick up my #2 sons dog that I had been taking care of while he was in the Philippines so we spent some quality time together yesterday morning shoot’en a shot gun. When you have sons you don’t spend a lot of time playing with dolls, gotta do what the boys like and shooting a gun is kinda fun. I wont kill anything but I do like to target practice.