Well it has been an eventful weekend here in paradise. At least 1 deer has discovered my garden and the girl dog Trip got skunked again. On the good side the deer did not get much, just the tops to the carrots and some beans I was letting go to “seed”. The area the deer got into was where I was going to put in some winter plants so I cleaned out that bed today and put in some cabbage. Of course I did cover the bed with wire fencing so hopefully that will detour Bambi. We shall see. Trip only got a “little” skunked, if there is such a thing. The way she was foaming at the mouth I would say she got it mainly around the muzzle. I did not feel or smell any on her shoulder which is where she usually gets it and today while she still has a scent of essence de la pew it is no where near as bad as it usually is. I had her foamed up with dawn dish soap less than 5 minutes from the “attack”. Damn dog.