"I leave binary thinking to computers"
Yesterday I spent the day doing what I call a deep cleaning. It’s when I move all the furniture and dust behind it. I vacuum the dust out of the electronics. I mop under every thing even the area rug. Windows are washed, screens are cleaned, sealing fans are given a good going over. For 8 hours I did this and everything looks the same, no one will notice all the work I did because the cleaning was beneath the surface. The dust behind the TV accumulated because it could not be easily seen, no one knew it was there no one will know it’s gone.
Many of us have jobs we do that no one really notices. Maintenance professionals and many people who service societies needs go unnoticed unless something goes wrong. At work little things done by anonymous people like stocking the paper bin or filling the ketchup go unnoticed by many. Self satisfaction in our work goes a long way but someone taking notice and saying the job was well done is so much better. Take notice of those around you and quietly let them know they did a good job you will make their day.
A few weeks ago on a whim I went to the