A few weeks ago on a whim I went to the Ellis Island web sight http://www.ellisisland.org/. My grand parents and 2 aunts and 2 uncles immigrated from Ireland my father was the only one born in the US. I was under the impression that they came into Baltimore but I thought I would give Ellis Island a go. Thirty minutes later I found the manifest that they were on. It is the coolest thing. The manifest tells you how old, how tall weather they were fair skinned or dark, the color of the eyes but more importantly it tells where they were born. I never really got interested in where my family was from until I was in my 30’s by then most of the people who could answer my questions were gone. Now I piece together what ever I can find about my family, many of my mother's family are still alive but all on my father’s side are to my knowledge gone, the Ellis Island manifest is a great find, from it I can go in many directions. It gives me names of towns and next of kin. I will go to Ireland some day and look at the land my grand parents came from. My grand mother loved Ireland and because of her so do I.
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