Last night at work while I was getting report, one of my coworker’s commented that Mrs. So&So said that it was going to snow.
Well all I could say was that it was not cold enough to snow
but I decided to check it out anyway and since my job is wired to the web I typed in Weather.com and sure enough Mrs. So&So was right.
It was going to snow.
At around
11:30pm security walked by and told us that the snow “was really coming down out there”.
Well I right away said “I’m taking a break” and off I went to the loading dock to see the snow.
Now folks I love snow.
I like the way it smells and tastes and I like the way it feels against my face and I was a bit excited.
That excitement was short lived.
The snow was wet and very fine and the temperature was just above freezing.
This was going to be nothing more that a nuisance.
The snow was very wet so the bridges and overpasses were going to have slick spots on them and I was going to have to scrape the windshield before I went home in the morning.
Never the less it was a cause for excitement here (we are in the south folks if this had been a school day school would have been at the very least delayed).
This was our first taste of winter.
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