Well it was a great day here on the Outer Banks so good in fact that I wanted to ride down the beach with the jeep top down. After calling everyone I could think of I was able to get a daughter of one of my friends to go with me. we went down to Oregon Inlet, let the air out of the tires with a pressure gauge given to us by two young men 'take them down to 15lb's and you can go any where" they said as they waved to us and headed on their way. We went all the way down to the point where we saw about a dozen folk’s horse back riding then we turned around and found a spot to park so we could look for shells.

After we left the inlet we went a little further south to a nature preserve where we took in the view and met the snake pictured above.
Throughout the day we met some of the nicest folks. From the boys who gave us the pressure gauge and the folks we joked with while filling our tires at the Oregon Inlet fishing station to the volunteers at the preserve everyone just seemed to be in a great mood. Must be spring.
A very nice corn snake!
- swamp4me
Sweet ride!! Just don't forget to reinflate when you're done... :-D
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