Tuesday, September 02, 2008

This is not a political blog but…..

I am deeply disturbed with my fellow Democrats. I have had many conversations with people who like me voted for Clinton and are not real happy with Obama. More than one of these folks tell me they are not voting for Obama in fact many are not planning on voting at all. Here is my answer to that: If you don’t vote you are voting for McCain, If you vote based on race Obama is half white vote for his white half, vote for the candidate that offers you what you want.

Here is what I want:

I want a president that will help keep the county strong. I want my president to be willing to protect the US and its allies but not be quick to anger. My president must work to make the US a respectable country by being willing to listen to what the world has to say while at the same time paying attention to what his people are telling him they want. The president is not a king he is accountable to the people.

I want a president that promotes alternative energy and is environmentally friendly. My president needs to listen to the scientist that tell us that more drilling will not be a “cure for all” and that we need to put our money into real ways to make the US as energy independent as possible.

I want a president that will promote some type of universal health care in this country. I am so tired of seeing families lose everything they have because of health issues. I am tired of seeing emergency rooms used as primary care providers because people can’t afford to go to the doctor. I am tired of sick people not going to any doctor because they know they can’t pay for it. I’m in the medical profession; I know what I am talking about here.

And most importantly I want a president that will help keep the Supreme Court balanced. The next president has the potential of placing three new Supreme Court Justices.

Obama is young and somewhat inexperienced but I feel of the candidates we have to choose from now he is the one who will give me more of what I want.

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