I woke this morning to the cat looking at me. She looked at me for a second and then started to clean her face. Cats are interesting animals. We humans have domesticated them and they are dependent on us, if you put a house cat out in the wild it will suffer. It takes a few generations of being in the wild for a cat to revert to the feral state. My cat will let me know when her food bowl is low. She may be a good mouser but she wants that kibble. My cat is sneaky with her affection. I will wake up with her lying quietly at the foot of the bed but as soon as she sees I am awake she leaves. She does not lye in anyone’s lap and I can only get in a few pats before she nips me. She walks around the house with attitude. She gets along well with the dogs, she even plays with them. She likes to take walks with the dogs and me but she follows us from a distance, staying along the woods line. She is a cat and unlike the dogs she does not show me that she likes me and to be honest I have no great affection for cats in general but the two of us tolerated each other and if any thing were to happen to her I would really be bummed. She is a good cat.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010

This is Thanksgiving week and I am sitting here at my computer drinking coffee and catching up on the morning news and my e-mail. The view out my window is beautiful. The sun is shining on the almost bare trees, birds are flying and swooping. When I step out it is noisy with their chirping. The air is a little crisp but not cold. Instead of being covered with frost my Jeep is covered in dew. We are in for another mild November day.
I have been enjoying the past three days off from work but I am tired. Today I am going to rest, kinda. I’m not leaving the property. I may do a little weed eating; it’s not something I would plan on doing this time of year but it is too mild to just sit inside and read a book or watch a movie. I have some places I want to clear off and it will be easier now than in the spring. I’m also going to start putting up some Christmas stuff, a few lights here and there, nothing much, just a little spirit.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Well things are calming down a bit. I have been off work for the past 4 days and other than today I have just been hanging around home. Today a friend and I went over to Amrhein Wine Cellars for their fall harvest soup weekend, had lunch and then took a ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Other than today I have been passing my time cleaning up around the cabin and digging a trench so I can put down conduit to run power from the cabin to the shed. I am hoping to have a mini-shop in the shed. Just a work bench and a few power tools; something to keep me busy...
My cabin in 100 years, Just kidding this is one of the cabins you can see on the Blue Ridge Parkway