Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I am sitting here in my mountain home at 7:30 pm the end of October with my windows and doors open.  It was in the upper 70’s today as it has been for nearly the whole month.  I thought earlier this month that the cool weather was here but it seemed to just be a blip on the weather map.  Tomorrow is forecast to be even warmer.  If the weather gurus are correct we should be back to more seasonal temperatures by the first of next week. 

I moved to the mountains to live in the summer of 2008 and with the exception of the first part of the winter 2009-2010 the winters have been pretty warm and the summers almost hot.  The old timers around here comment on how unusual the weather has been.  A lot has been said to play down the effects of climate change but from my point of view it is real and we as a society need to accept that like it or not things are changing and we need to prepare for that change. Sticking your head in the sand doesn’t do a whole lot of good when that new house you built on the North Carolina coast gets flooded or you don’t have water in that new house you built in Nevada. 

this is a link to the Frontline program on the climate debate

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