Tonight I was visited by 2 ghosts the Grim Reaper, a solder, a bumble bee, Robin, Darth Vader, Cat Woman, 2 vampires,
2 witches, a princes, a boxer, a lion, a bunch of young teenagers dressed as teenagers (the scariest costumes by far), Buzz Light-year, Spider Man, a GREAT dragon, a pumpkin, a few pirates and two power rangers.
Halloween is a holiday that started out as the Celtic festival Samhain which dealt with the dead. After the Celts were conquered by Rome Samhain blended with the Roman festivals Feralia, commemorating the dead, and one that honored Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit and trees. With the rise of Christianity the festival of the dead became all saints day from wince the name All-hallows (all saints) and All-hallows eve and with time Halloween.
In the United States on Halloween we send our children to stranger’s houses with instructions to threaten these stranger’s by saying “trick or treat”, implying that if no treat is given a trick will be played. Now the pumpkin in the stroller doesn’t seem to be much threat but the grim reaper and the teenagers dressed as teenagers would cause anyone to think twice about holding back. I dutifully handed out my treats, making sure I addressed each and ever costume and I enjoyed every minute of it. I hope I appeased the trick or treaters and find no eggs on my house and no toilet paper in my trees. I cant wait for next year
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