Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Election 2006
I do not want this site to be a political or religious site, an adversarial site. My personal goal is to just write about the little things that go on around me. Much of my writing is of little interest to anyone but me, BUT sometimes I read or become exposed to something that I feel has to be shared. Today when I went over to Tony Plutonium's blogg he had a link to this message Truthdig - Reports - After Pat’s Birthday. This is a letter written by a solder whose solder brother died in Iraq .
When those of you who have the opportunity vote Tuesday November 7th think about what direction you want this country to go in. Do you want to “Stay the Course” or do you want to at least look at other options. Do you really think that when one part of the population is denied a right that it will not eventually affect the rights of the rest of the population? Ben Franklin one of our founding fathers said “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” Words that have not lost their meaning even after 230 years.
Monday, October 23, 2006
* Tonight I will be talking to a bunch of girl scouts about first aid kits so I decided to get some last minute information on the internet. I keyed in hiking-first-aid-kits, tooled around on a few of sites that came up when I saw a tee shirt and remembered I wanted to get a Stewart/Colbert 2008 tee shirt and bumper sticker so I looked up Stewart/Colbert 2008 and tooled around a few sites finding this site; Rationally Speaking . To me just happening on to something is great. To learn something new or be exposed to something unexpected makes life more interesting. Of course everything has a flip side I wasted nearly 3 hours tooling around the net and never did find what I started out looking for ;-)
* Today is a cloudy and cool day on the Outer Banks. Great day for drinking coffee and reading.
* Monet is on exhibit in
Sunday, October 22, 2006
It has been a busy October. It is hard to believe it is the 22 of the month already. I thought that as you got older things were suppose to slow down but NOOOO... between mom, work and the kids my time is pretty much taken up. Oh well everyone is for the most part healthy and happy; we all have jobs, food to eat and a place to sleep what else does a person really need?

This is the newest member of our family, I never intended to have a cat but I guess I have one. I call her Jean Gray: My cousin and his wife hosts a family and friends’ party every year. They live on a farm and through out the year my cousin piles things that can burn in a big heap, the night of the party he burns it. It is a great bonfire. Well this year it seems a momma cat had kittens in the heap of stuff so when the fire was going good momma cat carrying a kitten came running out with three other kittens in hot pursuit. The kittens were scooped up by the folks standing around well actually they were scooped up by people scurrying around chasing kittens. Momma cat and the kitten she was carrying ended up in the field somewhere the three other kittens ended up in the homes of three of the guests. I bet ya next year the pile of stuff set to be the bonfire gets a good going over before it gets lit!!
Sunday, October 15, 2006

orion; looks better enlarged
What do you do when you just get finished working two 3p to 3a shifts and have a 7p to 7a shift to do the third night so you needed to stay up until at least
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Yahoo Time Capsule
This looks like a neat thing to do. Yahoo is putting together a time capsule to be opened in 20 years. Anyone can add to it. You can look at the things people have already added; its kinda fun.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Spending $9 for a movie to me is a bit much. The matinee around here is $7 so two people going to the movies can easily be a $30-40 event so I keep a look out for movies that I feel just have to be seen on the big screen and I think I have found one. I hope it is a good as the trailer:
One more thing, weather on the banks is god awful great!! Check out this site and look at the sunrises and sets in this months photo contest.
army "lowers" standards
It bothers me that the army is being criticized for “lowering its standards” to meet recruitment goals. I know many fine people who joined the military because they had no other option’s open to them; people with a minimal education or who had made mistakes in the past or who could not afford to go to college; people who looked to the military as away to better themselves. I fit in all of those categories.
In 1976 after attending at least 28 different school’s 4 of those school’s high schools and being told that we were going move again (high school # 5) I marched over to the Junior College that was across the street from the high school I was attending told the continuing ED teacher that I had quit school 6 months earlier and wanted to take my GED. I took all 4 tests in 2 days and passed. Wallah my high school career was over.
In 1977 seeing that staying at home would serve me no real purpose I joined the ARMY. The army would not take me as regular enlisted because of my GED. A man could get in with a GED but not a woman, so I joined the Reserves.
When I took the army entrance test my scores were so high that the Army wanted to send me to nursing school but no I wanted to be a civilian cop so I wanted to be an MP (18 years old; watched too much Beretta and Starsky and Hutch; did not know what I was getting into; did not become a civilian cop)
I did the army reserve weekend warrior thing and while doing that I managed restaurants and retail stores, got a degree in computer programming and then a degree in Nursing (isn’t it ironic don’t ya think) and today while by no means is my life perfect its not bad, and the plane fact of the matter is that if it were not for my decision to join the army and the army’s lower standards of the time my life may have been much different.
While I would not join the Military right now nor do I encourage anyone to, the army “lowering” its standards is in my opinion not necessarily a bad thing. There are a lot of very intelligent folks out there who could use a break. I know of no other service that offer’s the variety of jobs the army does. From, dishwasher to helicopter pilot Jobs you can take home with you.
Some will take the unfair to the poor man attitude; lower the standards and all you have are poor black and white people who have no other options; D’oh! Go from no choice to one choice at least there is a choice!
Any ways don’t cut my Army down. It was good for me when I needed it. I wish Bush wasn’t the dick head he is because I would have been proud for my sons to have served.
Thursday, October 05, 2006

I just got back from a quick trip to the mountains. The weather was excellent. It was a good thing I went up. The cows that I allow to roam on my land took out the electric fence that surrounds my camper (I did not turn it on when I left last time). Lesson learned.