I haven't had much time to write lately you see I have decided to go on a head and build my mountain home and that has been keeping me kinda busy. I have a very strict budget so I doubt I will be able to have my "Dream" home but it HAS to be paid for free and clear and that requires a LOT of "home" work. I also want my home to be passive solar so I have decided to place it against and into the hill side, a modified burm home. the drawings above are my renderings of the homes elevations. I know they will require modification after all I'm not an architect or engineer but this does let me relate to others how I want it to look. I will be starting a new blog that will document this adventure. My my my what have I got myself into... cant wait to get that first stake in the ground marking the foot print!!
Congratulations! Here's hoping that they don't build a Wal-Mart in the valley below...
they can't its a flood plain (well they cant as far as the laws go now) ;-)
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