Monday, October 08, 2007

It was an exhausting weekend at work. Columbus day weekend is one of the weekends that a lot of owners come down and check out their properties so while staff is down to winter levels it feels a busy as summer. I guess at 48 I just don’t have the stamina I once had and 12 hours running 2 days in a row just wore me out.

Today is a bit warm for my tastes. 82 degrees on October 8th is just not “natural”, tomorrow it’s predicted to be around 88. I have been spending the day inside just doing little things and watching Modern Marvels on the history channel. They had a very interesting program on sugar that dealt with among other things ethanol in hybrid cars. It seems that back in the 70’s Brazil after feeling the pinch of the oil embargo mandated the use of bio-fuel. Brazil is now only 10% dependent on foreign fuel. Imagine where we the United States could be now if we had learned from the experiences of the 70’s and really did something about our use of fossil fuels instead of returning to our wasteful ways when the oil “crisis” was over.

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