Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009
How can I tell its spring? I have 3 main indicators: how much hair do I have to sweep up every day (I have 2 dogs and a cat), how many small animals and birds do I have to rescue from the cat (2 birds so far) and……. how badly do I want to plant something. About 2 weeks or so ago I planted some basil just to have something green around. I told myself that I was going to hold off on the flowers and plants this year but I needed something from the store and saw some pansies and I just could not resist. I did resist the magnolia tree, barely. It was beautiful, but I could not figure where I would put it so now it’s on the sometime in the future list.
I have been paying attention to what is starting to bloom and bud now. Yellow tips and daffodils have bloomed. Willows have tiny green leaves on their branches giving them a green silhouette and many other trees have a slight red tinge to them, an indication that they are getting ready to show their new spring growth. On the bank next to my driveway the previous owner planted many different types of spring flowers. I know she planted daffodils they are every where. There are other things coming up also; I think I see what could be irises but I don’t know. Until I see the flowers I won’t know what gifts the previous owner has left for me. I wonder how much of what I see now will turn out to be weeds. This year is for learning and boy do I have a lot to learn!
Monday, March 16, 2009
I was talking to my #2 son, venting was more like it, when he said to me “things haven’t gone too great for you up there (the Mt’s)” Lets face it, it took longer than I had hoped to find a contractor to build the house and its taking even longer to actually build it. Every thing I have wanted to do has cost a lot more than I had budgeted. Someone burned my barn down and now…. I hate my job. Humm. I will admit that lately I have wondered if I did the right thing in moving up here. I miss my family, I miss my friends and god knows I miss my job. I am not where I wanted to be by now. Things are not going the way I want them to go. So why am I here?

Rounding the corner, just before I turned on to road that leads to my house I saw the
Saturday, March 14, 2009
touch of spring
It was a very pleasant week here in the Mt’s . It felt a lot like spring and I spent as much time as I could outside. I spent a good deal of the day Thursday removing wild roses from around my fruit trees and while that was not all that fun it was “rewarding”. I have been reading the seed/plant catalogs that have been coming my way, and while I don’t plan on doing a lot of planting this year these magazines are giving me some ideals. I won’t get away with out buying something but my goal is not to over buy. I want to live on the property and in the cabin for a little while before I buy that walnut tree that grows
The cabin roof has been shingled. We will see what gets done next week.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
A touch of spring
What a difference a week makes. Last Sunday I was slipping and sliding on my way to work yesterday we reached 73 degrees. In the afternoon I opened up the house to fresh air and sun today I am planning on working in the sunshine and fresh air at the cabin site. March came in like a lion of sorts, we had an intense but brief bout of winter and in less than a week we are having a touch of spring.
This weather and the nature of my job is exposing me to new bugs and I have caught a head cold. Ever since I reached the age of 40 I have been getting colds in the spring and fall. I don’t remember this bi-annual illness thing prior to that age but no cold is going to keep me inside today. I need to be in the great outdoors even if it is only time spent picking up trash from a job site.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
I woke up this morning, stumbled into the kitchen let the dogs out, turned the coffee on, checked the fire in the wood stove and looked at the digital thermometer. At first I thought it said 21 degrees but after I fixed my cup of coffee and put my glasses on I took another look at the temp. It had changed to 1.6 degrees that’s when I realized that the 21 had been actually 2.1. burrr rabit!!!
I took a ride to the local convenience store yesterday afternoon to get some sour cream for my home made chili when I came across another Jeep owner. This guy has a red Jeep with a
Monday, March 02, 2009

Some day that will be home
We had a bit of snow Saturday and Sunday. While getting to work on Saturday was no big deal it took 2 hours to get there on Sunday. On the way to work Sunday I took a little “slide” trip. I got a little cocky and went a little too fast for the conditions. My south bound Jeep and I wound up in the north bound lane; I came close to ending up in the ditch. It was a good thing it happened where and when it did because pretty much as soon as I came out of the skid and was back in my lane a road scraper followed by 3 or 4 cars, one a sheriff, pass by heading north. Needless to say I watched my speed the remainder of the way home.

Coming home this morning was no big deal until I hit Burk’s Fork road. As soon as I turned off 221 the snow was at least a foot deep. I was putting along just fine until I came across a group of vehicles stopped on the road. The land rover driven by a man named Lynn and his son Wyatt was in the process of pulling two pick up trucks out of the ditch. I was asked to back up a bit and in doing so I got stuck, so sad to say my wrangler got pulled out of a ditch by a land rover. I will be getting a wench before next winter. It was a good thing I did get stuck because just a little further up the road the snow drift was so high that there was no way I was going to get by.

The dogs loved the snow the cat was not impressed
The snow was so beautiful and to me it feels warmer with snow on the ground, less depressing. I hate that I have to go to sleep today because snow only last for a few days then it either melts or turns yellow.