Sunday, April 17, 2005

Winter & Spring

We on the Outer Banks have been experiencing a north easter for the past week. Many people know about the wind and it has been kicking but they don’t know about the noise. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore sounds like freeway traffic at rush hour. This sound travels far. I live on an island 4 miles from the beach and I can hear it. On top of that add the noise of wind at 25-40 miles per hour. This constant noise lasts for days at a time and many of us just tune it out.

To day as I do every morning that I’m home I got up, got sorta dressed, fixed the dog food for the boy and girl, put my coffee water on and took the boy and girl down for their morning constitution. Opening the door to the back yard I was greeted to the sound of birds the sun was shining, the wind was light, and although I could still hear the ocean you could tell it had laid down some.

To see a cloudless sky to hear birds to be able to walk outside with out holding on to my hat was nice. I doubt that this is the last we see of winter. This time of year on the outer banks is a time of flux. We see very little of spring. Winter and spring fight until summer comes along and takes over. Today winter is waning and spring has returned tomorrow we will see what happens.

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