Thursday, July 07, 2005


*I am saddened over the bombings in London. We live in an unpredictable world. I was encouraged by what one Londoner said, she said there are risks in life and taking away freedoms will not take those risks away. I agree when you take away freedoms in response to attacks like these bombings and 9/11 the criminals win. I would rather die in a terrorist attack then lose my freedoms.

*A lot is still being said on the net about the Supreme Court decision on government’s right to take property without true public need. The Supreme Court did leave an opening for local and state lawgivers to step in and pass laws to protect property owners. Now it is our job to write our state and federal representatives saying that we want laws passed to protect the individual property owner’s rights. One way to do this is to e-mail your representatives and tell them how you feel voice your fears and concerns. Tell them what you want. I found that by simply typing (your state) house of representatives in the search box on the browser it is possible to quickly find your local state rep. For federal reps try these;

We can voice our concerns to each other and it might make us feel better but if we don’t let our representatives know our concerns nothing will be done.

*Tropical storm Cindy visited my brother in New Orleans. He was with out power when I spoke with him Wednesday but all in all he did fine. It looks like hurricane Dennis may visit my sister in Pensacola. Why did so many of us migrate to the coast?

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