Friday, September 29, 2006

do I hear Mid-tearm elections; I wonder what the price will be November 8th

Just a few shot's taken this morning; the wind is kicking out of the NW making it a tad bit cool

Boy it’s been a while since I have been able to sit in front of this computer and do any blogging. Things have been moving at “ludicrous speed” and time has gone by so fast that this whole month no this whole year is a blur. If not for this blog and my day planner I would be hard pressed to remember all that has gone by. So what has been going on lately?

  • #3 son is now a licensed driver….. I have mixed feelings about this. When a child drives from home you have no control of anything that happens while that child travels. You hope he or she will remember all you have tried to teach them but you know they are inexperienced and they have not the slight inkling of what it is really like to drive; that only with experience will they be able to drive defensively. As a parent you know that the only way a child will get experience is to let them go. It’s not easy.
  • Exercise is getting better. It takes up a bit of time in the morning but I enjoy talking with my friend and I am feeling a bit more energetic. Walking in the morning does help to clear the head and with the weather we have been having here lately it’s a very pleasant start to the day.
  • Weather on the Outer Banks right now is great. We have been fortunate (so far) not to have any big storms. Temperatures have been in the upper 70’s during the day and upper 60’s at night. Today I went down to the sound and actually wished I had brought my jacket. Oh I love fall!

Well I will be heading up to the mountains next week. I have to close up my camper and get it ready for winter. I should have done this the last time I was up there but hay if I had done that I would have no excuse for going up now. Oh I can’t wait; I will be up there for 3 night and 2 days. I will be packing my sweat shirts and other cool weather clothes. I love cool weather! I am hoping that there will be some color to the foliage but I am going up a few weeks early and I wont be there for the peak. Who know maybe I’ll get lucky and things will be colorful no matter what I know I will have a good time.


Tony Plutonium said...

Another sign that this is all a right-wing conspiracy? While I saw gas similarly priced in Charley Taylor's district in the mts last weekend, I just paid 2.33 in Chapel Hill where they know we wouldn't vote Repuglican if gas were free...

Okay, I'm sure there are other reasons, but conspiracy theories are fun! :)

Tony Plutonium said...

Uh, English is not my strong point today - I meant priced similarly to that in your picture, of course.

Cindy Lee said...

Understood :-) and gas was less than $2 some places in Virginia. I was afraid to buy it; I wondered what they cut it with (conspiracy theory)