Sunday, December 17, 2006

the Holidays

Two main holidays are celebrated in December, Christmas and Hanukka

At this time the Jewish community is celebrating Hanukkah. This year Hanukkah is from December 15th to the 23rd. I was taught that Hanukkah commemorates the Miracle of the light or Oil. According to the Talmud, at the re-dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem following the victory of the Maccabees over the Seleucid Empire, there was only enough consecrated olive oil to fuel the eternal flame in the Temple for one day. Miraculously, the oil burned for eight days - which was the length of time it took to press, prepare and consecrate new oil. (Copied from wikipedia.). A candle is lit on the menorah and gifts are given each day for eight days to celebrate this miracle

For me Christmas is summed up as the day we Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We don’t know the actual day of Christ’s birth so as it was explained to me the early church chose the winter solstice as Christ’s birthday. That time of year time was a time of feasting for both Christians and pagans so the Church decided to kinda move in on the holiday and take it over. I’m glad they did because I like feasting!

For most of the American public the December holiday season has become a time to celebrate with parties and gift giving. It is a time for families to gather. It is a time for those who have to give to those who have not. It’s a good time of year if you have family and friends and a bad time if you do not. It’s the silly season. It’s a time when emotions run the gambit from ecstasy to depression. It’s a time when the hustle and bustle of activity drains every ounce of energy from the soul leaving numbness in the brain that is indescribable. I love it.

I don’t get into the Christmas spirit until about two weeks before the actual day. At that time I start my shopping and cooking and celebrating. I’m getting older now so I need to start at least a week earlier. I don’t seem to have the energy I had in my younger days. There was a time I could get off work at 7am shop, cook, clean and not go to bed until 9pm. I fear those days are gone. My Christmas cards were late getting out and I haven’t wrapped the first gift. The house is a mess and I have not made my Christmas dinner shopping list yet.

It’s hard to believe that Christmas Eve is one week from today. Where has the month gone? Where has the year gone for that matter? Christmas is almost here and I have so much to do. But I love it

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