Sunday, August 05, 2007

I debated weather or not to post this, I try to stay away from politically sensitive things but here goes.

I saw “Sicko” while I was away and I recommend the movie even if you don’t like Mike Moore (I’m not one of his big fans) although I did find the movie somewhat bias, working in the field I work in I know from first hand experience the movie is not that far off. We need change. I don’t pretend to know what that change should be but people should not fear losing everything they have worked for because they get sick. The people in this movie for the most part had health insurance when they got sick, its what happened to them after they got sick that is the scary part. I’m a health care professional and one of my worst fears is getting sick. Not because we don’t have good health care in the US but because I cant afford it even with insurance.

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