Oh boy did I meet the right person.
I met her last summer out by my mail box and we would talk to each other every once and a while, out by that mail box. We have been promising each other that we would have coffee together “sometime” but it never seemed to happen.
Last week we finally exchanged e-mail addresses and yesterday we had coffee at her house.
This woman is amazing, she is in her 70’s has chickens, honey bees and a green thumb to die for. She can use a chain saw and just learned how to use a back hoe.
I don’t know what I have to offer in this friendship but in just those few hours we spent at her place I learned a lot.
I have been very fortunate in the people I have met here. I have met so many willing teachers, people that answer my questions no matter how “dumb” they might be. I can’t wait to put some of what I am learning to practice. Who knows in 20 years maybe I will be the teacher.

I sent the Arbor Day foundation a donation of $20 a while back. As a gift I was promised 10 trees. Last week I got my “trees”. I had to laugh at the twigs in the bag that counted as trees but c’est la vie, I put them in water when I got them, I just did not have time to plant them but yesterday I put them in pots. I don’t mind that I got twigs for trees after all what do you expect for $20 and it’s for a good cause. It will be interesting to see what happens.
They hung dry wall in the cabin this week. The dry wall gives me a real feel for how things are gonna be. The bath room is going to be TIGHT, TIGHT, TIGHT!
Welp I'm off to the property gotta do some weed eating.