The tree my friend has been working on
I have been very fortunate to have met people I consider to be mentors. My first mentor was Mr. Simms. He worked at the Christ Child Center in Tampa Fla and in my short time there he taught me much. Next was Mary, she is still a friend and I have learned much from her in the 28 years I have known her. Recently I have been fortunate to meet another person who has in the short time I’ve known her taught me a lot. Today she taught me how to use a chain saw. My life has not been easy and I have been thrown some big curves but I have also been lucky to have met people that have helped me to make the right choices. Mentors are great I wish everyone had a few.

There is this scene in “National Lampoons Christmas Vacation” where the Chevy Chase character, Clark, after many attempts, finally gets the Christmas lights on his house to light. When he connects those two extension cords a chorus singing halleluiah starts up, his face lights up as bright as the lights on his house and you could see in his face how happy he was. I had that same look and could hear in my mind the choir singing when I rounded that corner and saw a truck and excavator in my drive way. The power company’s contractor was there to hook my cabin up. I now have power to the cabin, all I need is for the electrician to come back and finish his work and I will have lights!! Halleluiah! Halleluiah!
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