*And the winner of the “Al be home for Christmas” presented by the NBC Today show goes to the Poulos family right here on the Outer Banks and they deserve it. Their holiday decorations entertained my children when they were young. I have not been by to see it in a few years and my has it grown. I’m going to go by again Tuesday night to see it in all its glory.
*Only one more week till Christmas, I haven’t wrapped the first gift unless you count the ones I sent to my niece’s kids. This last week I usually watch my holiday movies, you know the traditional ones, “It’s a wonderful life”, “The Grinch that stole Christmas”, “Miracle on 34th St.”, “National Lampoons Christmas Vacation” “Die Hard”, while watching these movies I wrap presents and finish any other jobs that need to be done. Come Christmas morning if “its” not done, “its” not going to get done.
*To any who read this have and to those who don’t, have a Great Holiday.
Only you and my wife that I know of list "Die Hard" as "traditional Christmas movies"! :-) She has an unfortunate thing for Alan Rickman...
Alan Rickman has nice hair but Im a Willis woman myself,
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