On my way out of the development I live in this morning I noticed at least 5 police cars with lights on. After quickly checking my speed, inspection sticker and anything else I could think of that could possible get me a ticket, and realizing I was OK I looked for what the problem could be. With that many cops and no firemen it could have been anything. Driving further down the road I noticed a house on the side of the road then it hit me. A friend of mine had bought a house that was going to be demolished and today was moving day. The house was supposed to be moved last week but something happened and I guess today became the day.
Now my friend got a good deal on this house. The house is only 10 years old and cost around $15,000 she spent another $15,000 or so to move it and $20,000 for foundation and other incidentals. So for around $50,000 she gets a house that would cost at least a $100,000 to build. The former owner gets make $15,000 instead of spending god only knows how much on demolishing it and sending it to an already stressed land fill which is better for the environment. It this case my friend wins, the former owner wins, and the environment wins. (of course the former owner is getting ready to build a "McMansion" house on a not so "McMansion" piece of property so we will have to think about the environment thing)
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