Friday, June 30, 2006

Hazy, Hot and Humid summer on the Outer Banks

Summer has hit the Outer Banks. The past week has been Hazy Hot & Humid the three H’s. Traffic is intense and people are everywhere. The “mass” of people is not that noticeable on the beaches since there are no private beaches and people are able to spread out but when it storms the tourist hit the stores and therefore the streets. Dare county has no public transportation so the only way around is by car. A lot of bike paths have been built but they are of little use when it rains. Now we need a good storm every once and awhile its like a mini Christmas for the retailer but this last week has been a bit much, the Outer Banks has been hit by the same storms that have been flooding the North East, but it looks like sun is on the menu for today so all those folks who have spent their vacation week inside will be able to say they made it to the beach when they went to the beach.

I on the other hand will make one foray out into the world of vacationers to my favorite vegetable stand (Tar-Heel II located at the Seagate North shopping plaza) pick up some fresh fruit and vegetables return home and veg in the AC until late afternoon when I will venture to my little 12’ by 3’ inflatable pool, light a citracel candle and enjoy the last few hours of my day off.

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