Thursday, October 05, 2006

I just got back from a quick trip to the mountains. The weather was excellent. It was a good thing I went up. The cows that I allow to roam on my land took out the electric fence that surrounds my camper (I did not turn it on when I left last time). Lesson learned.

A farmer’s day and that of his wife is a long one. Tim and his wife Kristi were out early in the morning getting stock ready to take to market; Kristi went to work afterwards and Tim spent the rest of the day on a tractor putting up hay.

This little piece of Americana is located about 7 or 8 miles west of South Boston Virginia on highway 58. I have been going by it for a few years now and always meant to stop a take a picture; today I did

1 comment:

Tony Plutonium said...

Beautiful place.