Yesterday was my boy dogs Zeke's yearly visit to the vet. This year I decided to have him chipped. What this means is that they insert a small chip that contains a number under the skin. This chip can be read by a scanner. The number that the scanner picks up is unique to that chip. That number is used to access information stored in data base somewhere. This information starts out with the vets information and for an additional fee can include the owners address and phone number. Its not cheep, it was $40 to have it inserted and another $18 to have it registered under my name and every time I move or have to change any information (phone #) its another $6, but I travel back and forth to the mountains often and its not inconceivable that one of my animals could get lost so to me its worth the price. Zeke was not bothered in any way by the procedure and today he is no worse for the wear.
I do want to add that this is the same procedure that the government wants to force farmers to use on their farm animals. This procedure cost me nearly $60 for one animal. I have a friend with 50 cows. Even if it cost just $20 a head that's a $1000 and for a small farmer thats a lot of money. Support small farmers pay attention to the farm bill: Take Action: Support a Better Farm Bill / 2007 Farm Bill Proposals | Center for Rural Affairs / The Truth About the National Animal Identification System (NAIS)
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