I have heard from two of my three siblings who live along the gulf coast. Both are safe. My brother and his wife have still to check in. I’m confident they are safe but are not able to call due to loss of service. I feel for them and their neighbors. They live in
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Sunday, August 28, 2005

My brother and his wife live in Harvey La. Harvey is about a 15 minute drive from down town New Orleans. I have a sister who recently moved to Biloxi MS and one who lives in Pensacola FL. Each of these places is in the path of hurricane Katrina. My mother was able to get in touch with my brother; he and his wife have decided to go to Florida. We haven't heard from the sisters but they are bright people and I sure they know to get out of harms way.
This storm is big with maximum winds of 160 miles an hour, I would not be surprised if it lost some energy before it hit the coast but the storm wind isn't the only concern heavy rain and wave action are of great concern. I have seen fierce storms approach the coast and as soon as they hit the shallow waters and fizzle out but this one is very close to shore and shows little signs of weakening. It would take a lot for me to evacuate my home in fact I have only left for one storm and I regretted going but if Katrina were heading here I would pack my car and get my butt out of Dodge!
Good luck to all the folks being impacted by this storm.

Thursday, August 25, 2005
I am not a patient person. When I want something done I want it done. When I was younger and in better shape I would have tried to move that furniture myself (not a wise thing to do but I would have tried) these days my lower back and knees just cant take the abuse anymore and I must rely more on others and accept that a few minutes hear or there really doesn’t matter. Much of my life seems to be a whirlwind but things always seem to work out. The couch was moved, I was able to pick my #3 son up, dinner was on time and all was as it should be.
Monday, August 22, 2005
end of a quiet day
I think one of every parent worst nightmares is a call from an anonymous caller telling them their child had been in an accident well that’s what happened yesterday to me. I guess there is always calm before the storm.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
As I sit looking out my window I see the live oak next to the deck rustle in a gentle wind as a squirrel hops from a limb on to the railing and up the pergola. From my window I see children speed by on their skate boards and bikes with towels wrapped around their shoulders. Most likely they are on their way to the sound or pool to escape the heat. Cars go slowly by, their drivers intent on getting somewhere. I look out my window and allow my mind to wander as music quietly serenades me. I am alone in the house enjoying the serenity that comes with aloneness, even the dogs are laying quietly at my feet. At this moment in time life could not be better
Saturday, August 20, 2005

Every Saturday and Sunday morning during the summer over a 100,000 people leave the Outer Banks after spending some or all of their vacation here and every Saturday and Sunday afternoon they are replaced with over a 100,000 new visitors. By 10am the traffic will become so thick leaving that for many it will seem like rush hour traffic in the city they are from. Many will remember that the week before as they were coming on the beach they were faced with the same traffic jam. For most people the traffic coming and going is a small inconvenience, they want to enjoy the sun and wide open public beaches the Outer Banks has to offer.
I�m not a fan of the tourists but with out them economically the Outer Banks would be a much different place. The outer banks has no industry, no farming and because the Outer Banks is constantly changed by wind and ocean, very little commercial fishing. With out tourism this would a bleak place so like it or not I am thankful to the visitors for coming. I hope they have a good time here and a safe trip home.

Thursday, August 18, 2005
*The weather channel and my front porch thermometer both say its nearly 80 degrees out side but with the humidity at only 60% for the first time in a long time I was able to sit on the pouch with the dogs and enjoy a cup of coffee.
*Went to Doug Thompson’s blog the Blueridge Muse http://www.blueridgemuse.com/ from there I went on an adventure in cyberspace looking for the video he did on 911. The one he had link to would not down load on my computer but looking for one that would was well worth the effort. The video is a very well made montage of the first few hours of 9-11. I found it by putting “world trade center Doug Thompson” in the search box.
*Well I’m off. Have to get dressed and take mom out to get some early morning diagnostic testing done.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Sunday, August 14, 2005
My where has the summer gone? Summer does not officially end until around September 21st but in less than two weeks my youngest goes back to school and for many the return of school means the end of summer.
It has been a hot one this summer, hotter than most I think and as I sit here dreading the heat of the day I look forward to the cool autumn nights. Here at the beach we will continue to have hot days clear into October but the nights and mornings will be very pleasant. Of course we will have to deal with the storms. We seem to get most of our hurricanes the end of August and into September. It’s not uncommon for the kids to miss at least a few days the first few weeks of school.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Monday, August 01, 2005

My youngest son and I just spent 4 moist days in the SW VA mountains attending an event called Floyd Fest. The music was good the people who attended were friendly group of people but for me one day would have been just fine.
I liked the set up of the event. Two large stages on either end of a long midway, the midway housed venders and smaller stages. There was a dance tent for the adventuresome. There was a large area set up for the kids with some interesting things for them to do.
I�ll tell you my best times were spent riding the shuttle buses. The drivers were a hoot and the passengers were talkative no one complained about the weather they all seemed very happy and like me very tired.
The weather was not favorable the ground was soaked but the organizers of the event did there best to keep the main paths walkable. You will be surprised how different it is to walk on hilly wet ground when you are accustomed to walking on solid flat ground and we did a lot of walking.
All and all we did have a good time we hooked up with friends from time to time and if asked I would go again.