Every Saturday and Sunday morning during the summer over a 100,000 people leave the Outer Banks after spending some or all of their vacation here and every Saturday and Sunday afternoon they are replaced with over a 100,000 new visitors. By 10am the traffic will become so thick leaving that for many it will seem like rush hour traffic in the city they are from. Many will remember that the week before as they were coming on the beach they were faced with the same traffic jam. For most people the traffic coming and going is a small inconvenience, they want to enjoy the sun and wide open public beaches the Outer Banks has to offer.
I�m not a fan of the tourists but with out them economically the Outer Banks would be a much different place. The outer banks has no industry, no farming and because the Outer Banks is constantly changed by wind and ocean, very little commercial fishing. With out tourism this would a bleak place so like it or not I am thankful to the visitors for coming. I hope they have a good time here and a safe trip home.

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