Picture this a small flock of snowy white egrets on a small quaint fishing dock with the bright morning sun reflecting off their white feathers making the birds appear to glow. Would that not be a beautiful shot? Well that’s the shot I went for this morning but the egrets would not cooperate. They are shy birds and would not let me get with in a 100 feet. I tried twice following them from the fishing dock to a boat dock. I tried to “sneak” up on them at the boat dock but when they saw me they must have thought enough was enough and flew off into the marsh. I must have been a sight to the folks traveling up and down the busy road, a woman dressed in exercise pants and a tee shirt wearing flip flops caring a camera stalking a bunch of birds. But who cares it’s a beautiful day on the Outer Banks and today I don’t have to work so if I want I can stop on the side of the road and stalk birds.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
snow day

Sunday, February 19, 2006
Well folks the lion of March has hit the Outer Banks a few weeks early or is it that winter has finally come a few weeks late. Either way it cold out there, 29 degrees with a wind-chill of 19 degrees. The wind should lie down as the day progress and with low humidity it should be an OK day for quick trips outside.
I have lots to do this next few months my #2 son has moved out again and my #1 son has laid odds that he will be back by summer so I figure I have a few months to get my house back in order. March 15th is the beginning of planting season here and I’m going to try peas and lettuce (again) so I need to prepare the soil. I bought my first bit guarding “stuff” the other day, composted manure. I have told myself that I would not be spending a lot on the yard this year but I really want to put some more rock around the house and there is a spot under the deck that I want to place a nice wooden swing bench I bought at a yard sale and I have some cool solar lighting ideals……..
Friday, February 17, 2006
I'm back

cool choppy day at the beach on Monday
taken from the Naples fishing pier
I’m back. It’s been a whirlwind 2 weeks. I left for
Traffic in and around
I had a good time in
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Weather on the Outer Banks has been nice and I have been spending any “free” time outside. I love this time of year when its not raining the days are crisp and bright. The air smells of sea salt and the cars and homes get a thin film of sea spray on them even those like mine that are 4 miles fron the ocean. What I like most about this time of year though is that it’s not as crowded. President’s day will bring a little trickle of visitors here but until Easter the Banks are for the “locals”.
I am looking forward to seeing a really good friend and I’ve never been to
Sunday, February 05, 2006

Where has the time gone? Its Sunday already, Super Bowl Sunday at that. I would say that my family in PA is happy at this point
Well back to the game. Go
Addendum: I have some happy family members, half of them would have been happier if the Eagles had made it to the Super Bowl and one would have liked to have seen the Cowboys there
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
There be faries
In the
The bush speeks
I’m one of those people who gets a lot of her news from places like the “ the Daily Show” and “Wait Wait -- Don't Tell Me!” so I felt that it was my “obligation” to listen to the presidents speech last night. I wanted to hear “it” from the horse’s mouth without any outside influence. It was hard for me to listen to, the man opens his mouth and my blood boils, but I will say this, the speech was relatively short less than an hour and he kept his rhetoric to a minimum. He really did not say anything new. He thankfully said little about foreign issues but he did manage to mention 9-11 less than 5 minutes into the speech. He did mention the need to become less dependent on foreign oil and said he would support research but at the same time he said he wants to lower taxes. The democratic rebuttal was pretty much what you would expect; “we somewhat agree Mr. President but it’s not enough”. The governor of