Monday, February 20, 2006

snow day

yard shots

dogs eating snow

snow everywhere but here

In Dare County today is a snow day. Early this morning we got a dusting of snow but with the temperatures in upper 20’s to lower 30’s there will be slick spots on the roads, Dare County has no salt trucks so they did the correct thing and cancelled school. The really bad part of this snow day is that this snow is not the kind of snow you can play in, its wet and there isn’t much of it so the kids will be stuck inside “board” and then they will most likely have to make up the lost day on Saturday. Oh well it is pretty.

The dogs have discovered that they like the taste of snow. Looking out my window I see them grazing on the snow like cows graze on grass, this is funny.

1 comment:

Tony Plutonium said...

That radar screen looks familiar - over the past year we've seen the clouds part and pass us north and south with almost every front here in Chapel Hill. We've already got a rainfall deficit for the year.

Nice shots! I still haven't seen the Outer Banks in the snow...