Saturday, March 25, 2006

Tight Squeeze: Life Inside FEMA Trailer

Boy has life been in fast mode lately. This has to be fixed, that has to be moved, gotta go here should have been there, the list of tasks gets longer every time something gets done!!!!
I complain when something gets broken or does not go the way I hoped. I feel cramped in my house and long to GET RID OF STUFF! Stress, stress, stress, and then I read an article about real people going through real stress and wonder how I can possible call my life stressful. The painting that needs to be done will get done; the extra stuff will make it to the Hot Line thrift store; large item pick up will happen and the tire and other junk that came from “somewhere” will be gone. I will think of the many people in and from Mississippi and Louisiana who are still homeless and be thankful for the walls that my kids and dogs can’t seem to keep their hands and paws off and all the normal mataintance that need to be done in my intact home.

Tight Squeeze: Life Inside FEMA Trailer


Tony Plutonium said...

Thanks for the article! It'll help prepare me for the 625 sf studio I'm moving into in Chicago for the next few months.

Cindy Lee said...

Hope you enjoy Chicago. I've never been but a vet friend of mine goes there every other week to work and she likes the city. from what you have said in your blog it sound like you will have just about everything you need close to where you live and that is nice. its been along tiem since I lived in a city and I must say convenince and culture is nice even if the indoor living space is small. Enjoy