Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A flower in a bunch of lily pads, my friend says they only last one day.

Fog rolling in over and around the Buffalo, Isn’t that just beautiful?

Zeke and the deer. He just loves to sit high on his perch and look down on the road and fields below.

I got back from the mountains yesterday after spending 6 nights and 5 incredibility relaxing days there. I sure felt the heat and traffic as soon as I hit the beach. No one seemed to give TS Beryl any notice and with clear skies and hot temperatures I can’t blame them. Today the only sign of the storm was Jim Cantore from the weather channel. He seems to show up any time there is even a hint of a storm. Last year a friend of mine actually got his autograph, Oh well. Other than the occasional band of rain the day has been clear and hot perfect beach weather if you like that kind of thing.

This time of year I pretty much stay inside during the day coming out early in the morning and late in the evening. I firmly believe in beating the heat but next month I will be forced to venture on to the beach; my cousin and her kids are coming down and when someone travels 380 miles to the beach you can bet they are going to go to the beach and I will be “dragged” along!

1 comment:

Tony Plutonium said...

JennySlash has always said that if we ever walk down the beach at KDH and happen to see Jim Cantore, we're immediately turning around, going back to the car and evacuating. :-D