Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I must be getting old. Yesterday I went to a party like I do every July 4th. It was great party, not too many people, a lot of laughter, a lot of food and just plain good fun. The party had all the normal party things including swimming in my friends “pool” which just so happens to be the Albemarle Sound. Well folks after 4 ½ hours of that I was tired and I laid down for a power nap in preparation for the trip to the beach to watch the fireworks. I awoke at 9:15pm to the sound of boom-bang, I had missed the trip to the beach but all was not lost sitting on my deck I was treated to a fireworks display courtesy of many neighbors and their back yard light shows.

Of course a really big fire work went off yesterday. The space shuttle Discovery set “sail” at 2:38pm on independency day. Good luck to the crew; wish I were with them (physically!).

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