Friday, March 04, 2005

In like a lion...

March: In like a lion out like a lamb.

When I was a kid in school we were told that but as an adult most times it seems the reverse has been true. Not this year, here on the Outer Banks it has been windy and cold. I see in my minds eye the picture of the fierce cloud blowing wind that the teacher always put up the first of March with a little lamb following it. It never mattered what school I went to every teacher did this. I guess that is why I pay attention to the approach of March. Maybe its because March means spring is near.

March on the Outer Banks is a time to prepare. The tourists are not here yet. It's like the ebb of water before a tsunami. This ebb is followed by a small wave at Easter and maybe a few more waves before the crushing wave that is Memorial Day. But March is for the locals. March days get longer as the sun moves slowly up in the sky. It reflects on the marsh softening the browns and showing the faint green trying to come out. Birds start to return. Fishermen and crabbers get their boats and pots ready. Business people have this last little bit of time to get ready. The rest of us take a deep refreshing breath and just wait.

Today is calm, the sun is shining, and although the temperature is only expected to reach the low 40's I can tell it will be a good day, but all is not lost, the March Lion has not given up. According to the weather guru Saturday is to be rainy, and windy, and cold.

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