Saturday, March 12, 2005


The March lion is back.

Yesterday was so nice. I turned the small patch of ground I call a garden, getting it ready for the vegetables I will plant. Weeded the area that holds the perennials flowers. Cleaned out the strawberry patch. Tossed the ball to the girl dog. Took a long walk with one of my friends. Got the binoculars and watched a loon in a canal as it dived and stayed under for what seemed like ages. I did nothing but what I wanted to do.

The weather called for thunderstorms all day yesterday, but the sky stayed blue and the winds light. I have been working so much lately and it seemed as if every day I was off the weather was bad, or I had to help mom or do some other errand. But yesterday I kept for me and I’m glad I did.

Last night as I finally sat in my big comfy chair to watch a little TV, the rain, wind and cooler temperatures came. The sky is clear today but the wind and cool temperature stayed.

I’ll stay inside today looking out the window at the flag across the street as it flutters violently in the wind, and at the live oak in my yard as is sheds its leaves getting ready for the rebirth of spring. I will enjoy the silence interrupted only by the wind chime on the deck. This I will do until the others wake up. Then there will be hair cuts to get and errands to run and then back to work tonight.

But I had yester-daze…

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