Sunday, March 06, 2005


I wont say I don’t watch TV, I will say my family watches VERY little of it. I wasn’t turned from the TV by too much advertising, what turned me off was the constant barrage of negativism.

I was reading in Parade magazine, the little magazine that comes with the Sunday paper. In it was an atricle by Dr. Joyce Brothers about shame, and why it might not be a bad ideal to feel it from time to time. There is little shame on TV today.

Language is a powerful tool. It can give the greatest pleasure and the worst hurt. Much of what is in TV is flat out not good. It seems to desensitize people to the feelings of others by numbing our minds with a constant barrage of pictures and sounds. We are becoming a people with no privacy. We are becoming a 15 minutes of fame people. Much of TV does not let us feel good about ourselves, our society, our world.

I’m not against TV. I like some of the things on it. I don’t feel it is necessary to remove it from the home. Just turn it off from time to time. Be selective.

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