Tomorrow is Christmas eve and we will be on our way to the Beach to spend Christmas with the family. It's hard to believe that this year is almost over. Hopefully next year will be an improvement over this. Things for me have been good but I know it has been a tough year for a lot of folks.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tomorrow is Christmas eve and we will be on our way to the Beach to spend Christmas with the family. It's hard to believe that this year is almost over. Hopefully next year will be an improvement over this. Things for me have been good but I know it has been a tough year for a lot of folks.
Monday, December 22, 2008

These past few days have gone by quickly. My #3 son is here on his winter break from school and I have been keeping him busy. He has helped me out a lot tomorrow we will be bringing a good size load of wood down to where I am staying to help keep me warm.
Yesterday was the first day of winter and today was I believe the coldest day of this season. Today I have been inside making carrot cakes for friends while #3 son is out and about with friends. Yesterday we spent a good deal of time at the cabin. I tried to position the cabin in such a way as to take advantage of the winter sun. To me it looks like a wood stove and the sun should keep me toasty.
We have done some driving around the county this past weekend and while on Alum Ridge we pulled over to get a few shots of these cows. They look like Oreos to me. I don’t have the slightest ideal what type of cattle they are but their interesting
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I got back from the Outer Banks Tuesday afternoon. I went there to work the weekend and to pick up another load of “stuff”. These short work trips are all a blur. I never even got to see the water except from the Jeep (on paved roads). This shot is of the sound around
Nothing has been done on the house but I can’t fault the builder it has rained just about every day this month. I went on the NOAA website and looked up the rain totals for the month of December so far. According to NOAA this area has had 3 days of sunshine and 14 days of either partly cloudy or cloudy skies.
The work prospects are looking good. I got two calls today, one asking if I would be interested in a position the other wanting to know when I would like to come in for a pre-employment physical. I guess there is a chance that I might be working a little closer to home soon.
What really pisses me off about this is that I have been their customer for nearly 20 years. I very rarely have a balance and I typically charge around $1000 a month; lately with building the house it has been a bit more than that. Now admittedly they make very little off me with finance charges but credit card companies charge the seller a fee of between 3 and 5%. so every month the credit card company makes about $30 off my card.
I am very pleased with the new credit card rules that have been adopted. Regulators adopt new credit card rules - Yahoo! News the consumer needs some law's that are on their side!!
Monday, December 08, 2008
I have been seeing a lot of commercials for Hughes Net lately. Hughes Net is a satellite internet provider. The house that I am staying at has Hughes Net and to be honest I’m not impressed. For $60 a month I get “unlimited” internet access…. kinda. The other week I went on line and watched the “Daily Show” I had missed it the night before and my mom said it was a “good one”. I downloaded it using ,Hulu a great site by the way, I was getting good “reception” that day and thought well what the heck I missed “Chuck” while I was away I’ll watch that too. Half way through “Chuck” my signal strength went way down. I thought there was something wrong with my computer, maybe a virus? I did a virus scan, I checked for tracking cookies, deleted my temp files every thing I could think of short of calling my son, the family IT guy. After I rebooted my computer a few times I decided to check my Hughes net connection at the source. When I did that I found out that it was not my computer it was Hughes Net. They had decided that I was using too much internet and cut me off. Where I came from, and I know things are different here, but where I came from for $100 I got local and unlimited long distance and DSL. I watched TV shows on the net any time I wanted to. When I was in the camper I paid $30 a month for dial-up; dial-up sucked but I knew what I was getting. I don’t see enough difference between Hughes Net and dial-up to warrant a $300 to $600 initial out lay, a two year contract and $60 a month. Just my two cents worth!!
I did enjoy the slow down time the almost bitter cold gave me yesterday, I was able to work on my egg Christmas ornaments.
What a difference a few degrees and no wind can make. Yesterday when I went out to feed the horses my face just about froze off. It was 16 degrees outside and the wind was kicking. At that very moment, the second the cold wind hit my face, I knew that I would be spending my day inside cleaning and doing artsy / crafty things. The Floyd Christmas parade was that afternoon at 3pm, I had intended to go but while I like the colder temperature I don’t want to freeze my butt off so I did not think I would be making it; I didn’t. I hear it was very good. I can’t wait to see the pictures. I was not going out if I did not have to. Well anyway I did have to go out; I needed to replenish my wood stores for the wood stove, when I went up to the property, (remember all that wood I split that’s where it is) I got a good feel for how great a southern exposure can be. While the cabin does not have any windows in it yet, the sun shining on the inside made the cabin, even in it open state, feel warmer than the “outside”. I can’t wait to live in that cabin. Boy is this a rambling paragraph, lets get back to the weather. I gathered my wood and went back to the house and stayed warm. This morning when I went outside there was no wind and the temperature was 23 degrees, it felt almost balmy. Its suppose to be much warmer today which is good I have to spend a lot of time at the building site today.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
I can’t even remember when I last posted; things have just been so busy. This week I got back from the beach on Tuesday hauling a trailer filled to the rim with stuff I have in storage and then went to class that night, Wednesday I unloaded the trailer and went to a job interview, Thursday I cleaned house and such and went to class, Friday I don’t know what I did it was a blur. Today I went into Christiansburg and took my EMT test, I won’t know for at least 2 weeks if I passed but I don’t care NO MORE CLASS!!!!!! I also gave a pint of blood and did some shopping. On the way home, while listening to Christmas music it started to snow. We barely got a dusting but it was beautiful.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Its been a very busy week or so…
I just got back from the beach; I went there for thanksgiving and to put a few days in at work. The beach was busy. Traffic was almost as bad as it is in the summer…. Well maybe not that bad but it was close. Work was busy. Sometimes I get the feeling that folks go to the beach just to go to the ER, work was great we were slammed.
My family and I celebrated thanksgiving on Friday, there was way too much food and the company was wonderful. I can’t wait for Christmas. The holidays are always best when spent with family and friends.
The house is moving right along. The roof is on, we will see how long it take for the windows to be put in.
Friday, November 21, 2008
It is bitter cold and windy this morning but I am hold up in the house with a warm fire and a hot cup of coffee. I love the wood fire heat but one of the disadvantages of wood heat is that you have to bring the wood into the house. On a cold day bringing wood in is not fun. I like to keep at least one day ahead on the indoor wood supply, I feel wood burns better if it is room temperature, so every morning right after feeding the dogs and my first cup of Joe I bring in the wood. This morning right as I stepped out of the house Mellow whinnied really loud at me and then just stared.
Mellow is a nice sized tan mare that belongs to my friend who is letting me stay at her house. My friend also has a mule named Amos. While she is away farmer Tim normally takes care of the horses but it makes no since for him to come down here every day while I’m here so for the next few months I have taken over that job. It seems I am being or have been trained by the horses to feed them on their schedule and Mellow was ready to eat. Dutifully I prepared their food, donned my shoes, heavy coat and gloves and marched my way up to the barn and fed them. I don’t mind feeding the animals and there is something about the feel and smell of a horse that I like but I wish they would be a little more patient in the morning. It would have been nice to have had two cups of coffee before I went into that cold windy barn yard.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The dogs are checking out the cows in the back ground.
This morning there is a dusting of snow on the ground and ice on the pond. The air is cold and damp with scattered snow flurries flying about on the breeze; perfect hot coffee and warm fire weather. I know in a few months I will most likely be complaining about this type of weather but today I’m enjoying it.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Today we had snow! Well actually it was more like the world had a bad case of dandruff but it was white and it did come from a cloudy sky. I’m not really wanting a cold snowy winter but it will be nice to see a little snow.
I had a good weekend. I spent both days enjoying food and the company of friends. I also took the scenic route around
There was some progress on my cabin today. They started putting up the logs and my builder says weather permitting the walls should be done by the end of the week. Could be a good week; could be an even better week if one of my job inquires works out.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Not much has happened this last week in fact I’m getting kinda board. I find myself looking forward to Thanksgiving not so much to see the family but to go to work. I’m soooo ready to get back to work. I keep telling myself that when they get really working on the cabin that my altitude will change but to be honest I like going to work. I’m doing a lot of physical work around here but I miss the interpersonal relations that you get at a job.
Today they are calling for rain all day so I guess I have to stay inside which is OK. I will do some reading and work on a new project I have started. I eat a lot of eggs so I decided to make Christmas balls out of the egg shells. Its really quite easy, I just remove the egg yoke and white from the egg through a small hole, rinse the egg shell out and then paint them with primer followed by a metallic acrylic paint and then a clear coat to make them shiny. It takes a little time in between coats and I usually only do one coat a day but since I’m stuck inside maybe I’ll get two coats of color on each egg. I have never done this egg thing before but it is turning out OK
Thursday, November 06, 2008
I awoke this morning to a low guttural growl emitting from both my dogs. It was dark and just around
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
I woke up this morning to “change”. Barack Obama has been elected by a wide majority as the president elect of the
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Sunday, November 02, 2008
It really is a small world out there. Yesterday I met a couple who like me moved to
Now something I have mixed feelings about, mice. It seems my cat and girl dog are real mousers. That is OK except they feel the need to eat only half the mouse, I mean they seem to be Kosher. They eat the tops and leave the bottoms. Its disgusting! I appreciate that the animals are ridding me of a very destructive force that can also harbor disease but they do not have to show me what they are doing, they don’t have to share. If they catch them outside they can keep them out side I won’t mind. I am just tired of picking dead and often times half eaten mice off the floor. Country life….. gotta love it.
It’s been another good week things are progressing on the cabin and I have been trying to spend at least 4 hours working at the property a day. Tim the farmer and I moved my camper down the hill Friday, I have a little more clean up to do on it and then I will be putting it up for sale. The camper has served me well these past few years but I don’t need it any more. I can’t pull it with my Jeep so there is no need to keep it. Any one interested CAMPER FOR SALE!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I did go back to the beach this past weekend to see the family and to work for a few days. It was nice to visit the beach but even better to come back here to the mountains. I do wish I could bring my job here. Its hard to find a job you like going to with people you like working with.
Construction on the cabin is coming along. The guys are putting down the sub floor today who knows they may start the walls this week.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Things here have been good. The weather last week was warm but the fall color has been just great. It has been many years since I have seen Fall. This past week, thanks to the mild temperatures, I put the top down on the Jeep and cruised a little of the
Things are coming along on the cabin. They poured the footings this week. One thing done a week, I guess that’s progress. What can you say? My builder is working on another house soooo
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Skunk. I thought that I knew what a skunk smelled like after all I have driven by many unfortunate skunks that had been struck by cars; they stink. Well…… last night I learned that when your dog gets sprayed by a skunk it smells worse than you can ever know. When the girl dog came in last night just as I was eating my dinner my olfactory nerve was struck by a odor so noxious that it brought tears to my eyes. Needless to say dinner was over and the girl had a bath there and then! Not that it did a whole lot of good but had to do something. This morning I bathed her again this time in vinegar. It helped for a while but after she “helped” split wood and then ran round the yard for awhile and laid in the sun she stunk again. I bathed her again this afternoon. While at EMT class this evening I asked the folks who live here how they deal with skunk smell the consensus is use tomato juice followed up with a concoction of baking soda, vinegar and dawn dish soap. Tomorrow I will try their recommendations.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
I saw my first lady bug today. Not the first one I have seen all summer but the first one of the fall lady bug blitz. These are not really lady bugs per say. These are the orange and black , real lady bugs are red and black. Every fall they congregate in my camper I am usually not here, this is my first full fall in Willis, but every spring I clean thousands of dead lady bugs out of my camper. They are attracted to the white siding of the camper and the warm interior but unbeknownst to them it is not a safe place to be; I spray the camper for bugs when I close it up for the final time in the fall.
Fall colors are starting to really stand out. The reds and yellows against the deep greens with bright afternoon sun light filtering through is just amazing. Ahhhh. I love the cool mornings and warm afternoons that fall brings and the night time sky is so deeply black that the stars just shine like bright clear white light. It could stay this way all year for me.
Today I have spent the day doing as little as possible. This past week has been very busy. My builder started on the house, I have been splitting and stacking firewood, I helped place a dog who needed a new home, spent a few days explaining to Amerlink why I needed my logs delivered, went to EMT class, took a friend to the doctor and I worked a little with the church yard sale (there must have been a million of those this weekend). Tomorrow starts a new week and hopefully Amerlink will deliver the logs tomorrow morning as promised; that would sure be a good start to what will most likely be another busy week.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Another week has flown by, almost another month. This week had kinda been a work week. I personally, with my own two hands (and a pick ax, shovel and post hole digger) built a fence where the old barn had been. The girl dog had stopped worrying about the “electric” wire fence I had put across the area and any time she thought she could get away with it she went through it. The road I live on is not that busy but it is my responsibility as a pet owner to keep my animal under control. I needed a fence and until I can afford to have a better one built this one will have to do!!

These past few days we have been getting some much needed rain (that’s what they tell me anyway). This rain hampers my ability to do stuff. With two good size dogs and a cat there’s not much use cleaning a 19ft camper when its raining so for the past few days I have reading and watching movies. This mornings view was a pleasant sight; patches of blue sky and morning mist. My living conditions are not ideal but I am so fortunate to live here.

When I moved from the beach I left a lot of my plants. I had tons of geraniums and hanging baskets. I had grown these from cuttings of plants I had for many years. Each year I would take my plants indoors for the winter clean them up and do a few more cuttings all in anticipation for the next spring. Getting things ready for the move up here I could tell it would take more than one trailer load to move all my plants so I decided to give all but a few away. My logic being that all the plants I had started out as cuttings so I’ll just do more cuttings up here. These are the first 6 new geraniums. If as in the past they all make it to spring I will have a nice spread of flowers.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The rain has been coming and going.
I can tell when it starts and stops by the noise the rain makes on the roof of the camper.
When I stepped out of the camper during one of the times the rain had stopped I was confused for a moment, for while I did not see the rain I did hear it.
All around me was that soft sound that I have heard rain make on my walks in the woods.
So after that moment of confusion I was able to take in the gentle breeze that shook the leaves and caused the rain to rain again.
I love days like this.
Monday, September 15, 2008

I’m back from my visit to the Outer Banks and while it was a trip I am sorry I had to take but I am darn glad I went.
September on the Banks is a great time to visit. The weather is still warm, this weekend was darn right hot, and there are a lot fewer people. As you can see from these photos the water is still good for swimming and surfing.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Living in a 19ft camper gets to be a bit cramped especially on a rainy day but Jean Gray my cat has a comfortable perch near the window. Jean very seldom stays inside but today she is enjoying a long nap. Me…. I guess I will just sit here and study. I am taking an EMT course and while I have been a nurse for quite awhile there are differences in what an EMT can do and what a nurse can do. I have learned that I need to get away from “how it’s done” and back to “how it is suppose to be done”. The class is turning into a good refresher course.
Its seams OPEC is not happy with the fall in oil prices and are going to pull back on oil production. I say good for the
The cost of energy affects me just like it does everyone else; I drive a Jeep wrangler and live
Sunday, September 07, 2008
The dogs have gotten into the habit of an evening walk/run and they don’t care if I want to walk or not they pester me until we walk. At the end of the walk we go through the fruit trees. Theses trees are a sad sight. They have not been taken care of and are surrounded by wild roses and some type of scrub tree with
I have been cooking apples for about a month now. I don’t know what kind they are but they are green turning to red and right now kinda tart. The redder they get the sweeter they become. There is so much brush and dead branches around the tree that it is difficult for me to pick the apples. Every day I pick up the apples that fall to the ground keeping the ones that are not damaged and tossing the others over the fence for the deer to eat. I am hoping that next year I will be better able to harvest them for apples sauce and such. The pear tree is also producing well and I should be able to pick some of them soon.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
It’s been a long three weeks but today I got rid of the last bit of fire debris. I took a load of old tires that were in and around the barn that burned down. I had options on how to dispose of the debris the cheapest was to bury it on my property the most expensive was to have it removed. The only place I had to bury it was down near the small creak that flows through my property. This is the area I hope to build a pond and while some folks told me this would not be a problem I did not believe them. It looked like it would create a big problem in the future not to mention my “earthy” side just could not do it. Burying it would be bad for the environment. The waste from that fire had to be bad for the water that was nearby. So I opted for the more expensive way, a way that was not in my budget but the only way I could live with, I had it removed. The person who cleaned it up Booth Creak excavating removed everything but the old tires, today I got rid of the tires and it really did not cost that much.
I took 23 tires to the Floyd recycling center. It cost me $1 per tire ($23), 2 hours of my time I feel I’m worth $20 hour ;-) ($40) and
This is not a political blog but…..
I am deeply disturbed with my fellow Democrats. I have had many conversations with people who like me voted for
Here is what I want:
I want a president that will help keep the county strong. I want my president to be willing to protect the
I want a president that promotes alternative energy and is environmentally friendly. My president needs to listen to the scientist that tell us that more drilling will not be a “cure for all” and that we need to put our money into real ways to make the US as energy independent as possible.
I want a president that will promote some type of universal health care in this country. I am so tired of seeing families lose everything they have because of health issues. I am tired of seeing emergency rooms used as primary care providers because people can’t afford to go to the doctor. I am tired of sick people not going to any doctor because they know they can’t pay for it. I’m in the medical profession; I know what I am talking about here.
And most importantly I want a president that will help keep the Supreme Court balanced. The next president has the potential of placing three new Supreme Court Justices.
Obama is young and somewhat inexperienced but I feel of the candidates we have to choose from now he is the one who will give me more of what I want.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Wow its September 1st already my golly where has the time gone?
Things with me are going ok. They still have not started on the house, maybe tomorrow. I’m getting to the point where I will believe the house will be built when it happens. The barn debris has been cleaned up. Yeaaaaaa….. Tim Boone of Booth Creak Excavating finished the job today and it was very well done. While I did not intend to spend the money to clean that area at this time and the clean up will make things a little tight financially it does look a lot better. It should look real nice next summer. This spring maybe I can put a pond in that would look great, we shall see.
I haven’t heard from my brother, he and his wife live in Harvey La right outside of
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008
Yesterday was a good photo day as can be seen by the photos I have posted today. I could not post them yesterday because I only have a dial up internet connection and it would have taken hours to down load.
My contractor is suppose to break ground on the cabin today but we will see. X-tropical storm Fay is threatening to drop some much needed rain all this week so I won’t be surprised if nothing happens this week. I’ll be disappointed but not surprised. The guy who is going to clean up the fire mess said he will be here rain or shine Wednesday so something should get done around here this week!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Oh another week has just flown by and as I sit here I can’t think of all that much that has happened. Oh yea I did take a quick trip back to the beach. I left on Monday and was back Wednesday night. I needed to get my certificates so I can prove I can do what I can do and get a job and they were at the beach so the dogs and I took a trip. All I can say is I miss my family and friends but I do not miss the beach, not this time of year!! (To those of you I did not see in town sorry... the next time I will be there for a week and I will definitely hook up with you) I did not tell many people that I was heading down that way because to be honest I did not want folks to know that I was away. The fire debris is still there and I fence is still down and to be quite frank I don’t want my other barn burned down so I stayed mum on the subject.
I did have a good time visiting with my family and a few friends but the traffic was horrible. I was almost hit twice by the same car. This person was what we called a wanker. The first time she almost hit me she was riding in the left lane with her left signal on when she decided that she really needed to turn right so she cut right in front of me I’m telling you she looked me right in the eye and did not even mouth sorry. That woman missed me by inches. I pulled in to the bank did my business and got back on the road. Now I went into the left lane because I was going to be turning left went down the road a little ways when this same woman whooshed in front of me and stopped halfway in my lane and the turn lane. Luckily there was no one to my right so I was able to cut around her but the guy behind me had to screech to a halt. God I hate the Outer Banks in the summer. Give me the spring and fall, that’s the time to go!!
While the dogs and I were away I put the cat in a kennel and she came home a changed kitty. This cat has never been affectionate. She was separated from her mother before she was fully weaned and they say that when this happens the cats are less social. She does seem to like the company of dogs and I but she never seemed to like to be petted. She not the kind of cat that would lie in a ball in your lap enjoying a pat: she would rather nip you but after 4 days in the kennel she has become almost too affectionate! She still won’t get on my lap but she curls up in a ball right next to me on the bench and when I go some where she is very voicetress when I get home. She seems almost to be saying “why did you leave me? You can’t do that! You can’t leave me!!!” Cats….
It’s nice to be back in Willis. You can’t beat the weather and aside from the arsonist the folks around hear are a lot like the folks on the Banks in the winter very nice. I’m working on my work applications and I hope to get them out buy Tuesday. I’m just looking for part time employment; with the construction of the cabin starting soon I want to be available as much as possible but it will be nice to have some inward cash flow even if it’s just a little bit
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Well time is passing quickly tomorrow is one week since the barn fire and things are for the most part unchanged. It looks like the fire was set and the scuttle butt is that we have a piro around here who has set fire to quite a few buildings in the past few years. If what is said is true this person or persons is good at covering their foot prints. Well such is life, its discouraging that there are people like that around and I’m not happy that I will have to take measures I did not plan on taking to make my property less inviting. As Mr. Burns would say close the gate and "send out the hounds”.
Other than the fire things have been good. I made the first draw payment on the cabin. My builder hopes to start next week. I can’t wait!!! I had some trees removed and I am very happy with David Zemmer of DZ Tree Removal. There will be much to keep me busy this year. Does any one know what kind of splitter I should get? There is a
The roses are doing well in the raised beds I made for them. I will most likely lose at least one of them but at least I tried. The bougainvilleas are not happy. Next year they will most likely have to stay inside better yet I should build a small green house for them. I know it seems foolish to worry over a plant but I have had one of the bougainvillea longer than I have had 2 of my 3 kids and the person who had it before me had it for quit a while; something that like that is worth a little extra work.
For the most part it has been a nice few months. I have never taken this much time off from work but it was worth it. Unfortunately the bank account is down low and end of summer is coming so that means its time to look for a job, besides I’m ready to get back in the swing of things and meet more people. Its going to be hard to go back to work. I will miss coming and going as I please, sitting on my “porch” with lap top in hand listening to good music as I alternate between just looking at the things around me and pounding on the keys writing aimlessly about nothing all that important..
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Well another week has gone by and for me it has been a good one punctuated by a great Saturday. Today a friend and I went out to check on wood stoves but after finding out that the store we were going to visit was not open on Saturday we decided to see what we could find in Floyd. We spent the day checking out the shops. We found some wood stoves at the Farmers Supply on
After all this eating, talking and walking we decided it was time to head on home. The weather for the day had been great, neither of us was hot or cold, it was like the baby bears porridge, to Goldilocks, just right. In fact it was so nice that when I got home I put the top down on the Jeep so that I could enjoy an open air evening ride to and from church. I’m ending the day listening to “The Thistle and Shamrock” (Irish music) on NPR. Some times it’s great to be alive!!
Friday, August 08, 2008
I’m in heaven today, cool temperatures very little humidity and lots of sun is what greeted me this morning. Last night the
Things are moving along on the cabin. I went to check out windows and doors and have talked to the cabinet man. Hopefully the foundation will be down by the end of the month and the cabin dried in by the end of September. I have been told that the cabin should be ready for me to move in to by November but I’m hoping I'm in by the first of the year. November is doable the house is only 720sf but………
Well I’m off to clean and organize the shed; my project for today.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Over the past month I have had a bit of work done on my property but I really have not done anything myself so to get my hands dirty I have started building raised beds for my roses. I brought the roses from my home on the Outer Banks and I am hoping they make it up here. Each of the rose bushes has a meaning to me most were given to me by someone close and it would be very sad for me if any of them did not make it through the winter but any time a plant is moved there is the chance that the plant won’t make it. We shall see what the spring brings.
The swing bench in the foreground is one of my favorite rest areas. In the early morning and late evening I enjoy sitting and just looking at the view. At night it’s a great place to look at the stars. The heavens here are so different from the Beach. There seems to be so many more stars. Last night I saw a few shooting stars and I hope to see a lot more, the Perseids meteor showers appear in August.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Well I have been here 4 weeks now and things have been good. I will say in all honesty that I am a little lonely I miss my family very much but the animals and I have settled in nicely. This past week I settled on a builder and if all goes well they should start on the house by the end of August and it hopefully it will be done by November. The house is going to be a log home and quite small about 700sf but it is in my budget and it should be very comfortable.
Living in the mountains is a bit different than living on the beach. I have acclimated very quickly to the temperature, this morning when I woke up I was hot, the temperature in the camper was 70 degrees and I was very uncomfortable. I very much like the upper 50’s and 60’s. The hilly ground has caused my glutes (butt) to hurt. Walking on uneven ground uses muscles differently than on flat land, I expected my leg muscles to feel the burn but not the glutes. It’s a lot dryer here which is nice for me but it has been hard on my girl dog. I had to take her to the vet, it seems she has environmental allergies and the dry air has caused her to have dry skin, so now she is on a steroid, an antibiotic and an eye ointment she will be starting on fish oil tomorrow. The girl dog has also developed an attraction for wild animal poo. She has had more baths this past 4 weeks than she normally has all summer. The boy dog is doing just fine he does like to sit on the hill side and howl but.. if he’s happy. The cat is keeping busy being a cat.
I will be heading to PA the end of this week for the yearly friends and family party at my cousin’s house. It should be fun.
Monday, July 14, 2008
I'm heading back to the beach tomorrow to pick up a load of stuff. Its a quick trip down and back. My #3 son want's to come up. He will follow me up and then drive back to the beach by himself.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Paradise comes with a price which in my case is mud and lots of it. Mud is something I have had very little experience with in the past 27 years but in the last week I have had more than I want. Other than the mud and the mess the that comes from it I am very happy to be here. the weather is great and I am enjoying daily walks and visiting friends. Friday after going to a friends house for a cook out I went to my first July 4th celebration in Floyd and had a great time.
This next week I will be working on getting a house built. I think this will prove to be quite a task, we shall see what is to come....
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Well I’m here in the mountains and I must say the beginning of this adventure has been an adventure. My house at the beach closed last Friday as scheduled and believe me I hope I never sell another home. I was a wreck. What were the appraiser, inspector and surveyor going to say? What unreasonable requests/demands were the buyers going to make? How am I going to pack the house in 30 days and where am I going to put all the stuff? Well I did it and it has taken me 3 days to recover from the move.
All my sons helped me prepare for the move but #3 son was the only one who could help me move. He drove my car, the car that was wrecked in May up while I drove the Jeep pulling a fully loaded trailer. We got up here Friday night right after a storm so we were welcomed by a beautiful mist covered
We had to head back to the beach Saturday morning because my son had to be at work Sunday. So we got up early and braved the Saturday traffic to the beach. It only took about 15minutes to get over the bridge to the beach, a 5 minute trip normally and while traffic was heavy it was steady. My son helped me load the trailer I then took him to his dads house so he could go on line and load my Wii with some games (I’m a Mario & Zelda girl) I then headed to the other storage room to finish filling up the trailer. With the trailer full I went to #2 sons house took a shower, went to the kids dads house collected my Wii and headed back to the mountains. How convenient that #1 son was in a sailboat race and #2 son was helping a friend in a surf competition when I need brute strength for a move.
I was surprised how depressing the trip back was. It was on that trip that the move and all that it entails hit me. I have left my home of 27 years, my family and friends and am moving to a place that I have only visited. Tears welled up and WHAT HAVE I DONE screamed in my head. I was stressed and tired, the weather sucked and everything was a mess my out look was grim.
Sunday was not much better. I had gotten back to the mountains at
Monday was a much better day. The day started clear and bright, I had slept well for the first time in weeks and with out the use of Ambien. It is amazing how much better the world looks after a good night sleep. I went to a friend’s house and did a few loads of laundry came back to the camper and enjoyed the afternoon rain.
Today is starting out beautifully. The temperature is cool the air is crisp and view is great. I have no doubt that I will miss my family and friends and yes even the beach from time to time but I also do not doubt that this is the right move for me. I don’t know if I will be here forever but today I am glad to be here.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
One of the hardest things for me in this move is leaving my kids. as aggravating as they might be I do enjoy their company so #3 son and I set up a web cam. its not as good a being there but it is nice to see their faces and talk real time. It kinda has a Jetsons feel to it.