Sunset on the Albemarle Sound taken from Colington Island, New Years Eve 2007
"I leave binary thinking to computers"
I had a few of my niece’s kids down this week and we took a trip to the Poulos house to look at the Christmas lights. Mr. Poulos works hard on this every year and it is a real treat for the folks of the Outer Banks especially the small children.
I finally started wrapping Christmas presents. It has taken me a while to get into the spirit this year, I don’t know it just hasn’t felt like Christmas, but I have started watching my Christmas movies, you know the classics “Die Hard”, “Leathel Wepon”, “Christmas Vacation”, and “It’s a Wonderful Life” just to name a few, to get me in the mood and it seems to be working. I will be icing cakes tonight and delivering them tomorrow, that always make me feel good.
Well off to the wrapping paper and tape.
This is my dog Zeke lying on his blanket surrounded by his favorite toys at the foot of my chair near the computer. Now sad to say Zeke is not the sharpest tool in the shed and this morning while I was listening to a CPR video with the head phones on so as not to disturbed the #3 son Zeke started to emit a low growl. Well I looked up and peeked out the window just to make sure no one was coming up the steps and told him to be quiet, well not a minute latter he sat up and started to bark at me. It took a moment for me to figure it out but the dog had heard the instructor talking through the head phones and was freaking out. Trip the girl dog just looked up raised an eyebrow as to say “you dumb dog” and went back to sleep. Dogs ya gotta love em
Well as usual I have been keeping quite busy. The weather here on the Banks is just too good to stay in so between work and the great outdoors I just haven’t had time to blog.
The new house project is taking up a lot of time also and its amazing to me how much time getting nothing done can take. I’m chalking it up to the Holidays and am hoping that after the first of the year things will start moving again. Of course in all honesty my house building budget is very limited and I think builders look at it and laugh. I am looking into modular homes now and if that does not pan out I’m going to take my sons and a few of their friends up in June or July and just build the dam thing myself. All I want is a small cabin with 1 bedroom and a loft!!!! Cheese and crackers how hard can that be!!
Well I’m off I’ve caught the stomach flu. I seem to have peaks and valleys in the feeling good thing and right now and I seem to be heading to a valley. What a waste of a really nice day. :-)
It’s been a while since I have written in my blogg. It’s the 4th of December, the end of the year and I can hardly believe it. November flew by. It’s hard to believe that just over a week ago was Thanksgiving and my family and I were together in
Well it is promising to be a typical winter day here on the Outer Banks, I spent yesterday afternoon bringing the plants in preparation for the front that came through with strong winds and cool temperatures. This morning there is a stiff wind with temperatures in the 40’s. The skies are overcast but that promises to change. It should be a nice cool, windy day, a day perfect for curling up with a hot cup of coffee or tea and a long neglected magazine or two.
I woke up this morning to the whine of the dogs; you see they don’t know that there has been a change in time. I looked at red glowing numbers on my clock (6:27) and then at the stream of light filtering through my heavy duty drapes and thought thank god I did not have to work last night because those folks have another hour to go. The time change is hard enough for those of us that were able to sleep through it but imagine going to work at 7pm you putt along doing your job and before you know it 1 am comes along and you think to yourself “half the shift is over” but wait it's time change time so when 2 am comes along it’s 1am again. To actually work through the time change is not fun. When morning comes along you just want to go home, unfortunately anything can happen and you might just have to stay a little longer. Night shift is hard and the time change doesn’t make it any easier.
I sent copies of my mountain home plans to some builders the beginning of last week and I am anxiously awaiting their reply. I have to go up for some business this next week (weather permitting) it would be nice to chat with one of them while I’m up there. Building a house is like having a baby. You find out you are going to do it and then go around getting everything in place and then wait for the mile stones and sometimes that takes a while.
We have had a change in the weather here on the Banks. This weekend we got some much needed rain followed by some not so needed wind. I'm tempted to bring in the plants but its calling for temps in the 70's by weeks end and the night time temps are still in the upper 50's to 60's. I just can’t cut those mandevillas yet, they are so happy right now.
I have been spending a lot of time getting mountain home "packages" together for the builders. I’m hoping to get at least two bids to choose from. I have found three builders that come highly recommended but no matter who I choose most likely no one will be able to start until the spring so its going to be a hurry up and wait kinda thing which is fine with me. Once the house is closed in I need to be up there to get the inside work done. There is going to be a lot of sweat equity in this house.
It was an exhausting weekend at work. Columbus day weekend is one of the weekends that a lot of owners come down and check out their properties so while staff is down to winter levels it feels a busy as summer. I guess at 48 I just don’t have the stamina I once had and 12 hours running 2 days in a row just wore me out.
Today is a bit warm for my tastes. 82 degrees on October 8th is just not “natural”, tomorrow it’s predicted to be around 88. I have been spending the day inside just doing little things and watching Modern Marvels on the history channel. They had a very interesting program on sugar that dealt with among other things ethanol in hybrid cars. It seems that back in the 70’s
Its nice on the Outer Banks and it has been nice for the last few weeks, very mild temperatures and only the occasional rain shower and while we could use more of the rain visitors to the Banks have to be liking life.
I’ve been taking things slow, enjoying some down time and piddling around in the yard. Next week I’m off to the mountains. I’m hoping to see some color but NOW I’m hearing that the color may be later than usual. Go figure. I hope weather up there is good I would love to ride on the parkway with the Jeep top down.
Presbyopia (old mans eyes)
Today I was working in the basement just cleaning things up when it occurred to me that I could not see worth a damn. Yesterday while doing yard work in the bright sun I had no difficulty seeing; of course I wasn’t doing any detailed work just cleaning out the shed and yard. Today’s work is being done inside on a rainy day and involves the use of tools such as screwdrivers, saws and hammers and the plain truth is I can not see what I am doing clearly. I noticed this indoor seeing discrepancy way back in June while at work, I had picked up a medication bottle and while I could easily read the name of the med (with my arms fully extended) I could not read the fine print even with my over-the-counter reading glasses. The time had come to get an eye exam. I went to the doctor took the exam and informed him that I had no problem with my far distance sight but that I was having difficulty with reading close up and the computer screen. He told me that I did have problems with my far distance sight and that I needed trifocal glasses. Humph…..
So ever since I got those stupid glasses I have come to realize more and more that weather I like it or not I “may” need to wear my glasses just about all the time, unless of course it is a bright sunny day and I’m out side doing something that is not all that detailed or important.
I was tooling around the blogs tonight, haven’t been able to do that much lately and wound up spending quite a bit of time at Fred Firsts blog “Nameless Creek” well you see Fred goes on these tangents, bird flu, water conservation and now he’s up in arms about folks blowing the tops off mountains for coal, give these two entries a few minutes of your time I think you will find them enlightening http://namelesscreek.blogspot.com/2007/08/no-more-high-places-forever.html
then check out this you tube site http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziuFW-7h1LM
then for a better understanding of what exactly is being done to these mountains check out this site http://www.mountainjusticesummer.org/facts/steps.php
This Mandevilla is a happy plant and has given me a lot of pleasure in the three years since I discovered it. I bought 2 others this year. One climbs a post on the pergola and the other hides the trash can. These plants have to be brought in when it starts to get cold, temps in the mid 40’s (7C) which around here means sometime in November.
Can’t complain about the weather on the Banks lately, other than the lack of rain it’s been perfect. I’ve been devoting an hour every day to yard work and it shows. I’m going to take on the shed next week, that a scary job. I’m also getting things in the house ship shape for the winter. I just seem to have soooo much energy in the fall!
I’m going to be heading up to the mountains in October to get my fall fix. Hopefully there will be some fall color. From what I’ve been hearing the fall colors could be here early and be gone fast. Anyone thinking about hitting the parkway should check out their site for park information Welcome to the Blue Ridge Parkway and this site for peak information Virtual Blue Ridge Parkway Guide .
On another note:
This is why I hate to go to the doctor and have to be just about dying before I go. I had a head cold and a “touch” of bronchitis so I spent the early part of Monday looking for a doctor to see me. I had to go to Manteo to help my mom so I figured I would go to “Outer Banks Urgent Care” in Nags Head. I had never been there but I had taken my mom and kids and I knew a few of the nurses so I thought what the heck it’s on the way. Boy did I get a rude awakening; they would not see me because I forgot my driver’s license. I’ll admit it pissed me off when the “lady” rudely tapped on a sign they had taped on the receptionist window. I did not see the sign when I filled out the paper work; I did not know I did not have my license until I went to look for it. When I told her that some of the nurses in the back would know me all she said was that she was sure they would but there “are no exceptions”. That pissed me off I had been nursing a cough, sore throat and stuffy head for 10 days, I had left work early the night before and I needed some meds. I don’t remember saying much but I’m sure my body language was not nice. I had the receptionist return the paper work I had filled out, I could see no reason they would need it and headed on up to “Beach Medical” in
It has been quite a summer, one of the busiest and hottest that I can remember. It has gone by fast but for me it ended well. My niece and her children came down last Monday for a few days during the week and my neighbors came into town for the weekend. The “piece de resistance” was the weather, you could not have asked for better. At the beach every one we meant #1 was nice and #2 seemed to be from
I debated weather or not to post this, I try to stay away from politically sensitive things but here goes.
I saw “Sicko” while I was away and I recommend the movie even if you don’t like Mike Moore (I’m not one of his big fans) although I did find the movie somewhat bias, working in the field I work in I know from first hand experience the movie is not that far off. We need change. I don’t pretend to know what that change should be but people should not fear losing everything they have worked for because they get sick. The people in this movie for the most part had health insurance when they got sick, its what happened to them after they got sick that is the scary part. I’m a health care professional and one of my worst fears is getting sick. Not because we don’t have good health care in the
It’s hard to believe I have been home for 4 days now. Those 4 days have gone by so fast. You can tell its still summer around here the weather is still hot and humid and what seems like hundreds of thousands of visitors seem to be trying to fit that last bit of summer vacation in before their kids head back to school. Traffic yesterday was bumper to bumper, it took me twice as long to get to work as it normally does. Traditionally our ED is “quiet” on weekends not so as of late. People are starting and ending their Outer Banks stay with a bang.
Many of the folks I know who have jobs in the service industry are suffering from summer overload. They are getting tired. Many have more than one job; the “make hay while the sun shines” mentality is very much at work here. I am lucky I get to take a few weeks off during one of the busiest times of summer. This lets me rejuvenate a little, be in a better frame of mind this last month of the season. I wish everyone else were as lucky; but the days are getting shorter and the sun’s glare is not as harsh as it was just two weeks ago. Summer is waning our kids go back to school in just a few weeks and autumn will be here soon after that. It won’t be long before we on the Outer Banks get to take a breather. One of the best times of the year here on the Banks is just 7 weeks away.
the photos above are of skim boarders. Parents and grandparents don’t try to teach your kids how to skim board if you have never been on one yourself. I can’t tell you how many broken bones and sprained whatever's we have seen in the ED because of older folks trying to teach the younger ones to skim board. One grand parent recently had to schooch back to the car on their bumm accompanied by a gaggle of grand children after trying to “teach” the kids to use one. Notice the age of the skim boarders.
Now these are two activities we less agile older folks (and younger) can enjoy
Looks like rain today, much needed but I’m packing the trailer today in hopes of an early start tomorrow. Yaw be good.
Minnesota Bird Feeder
We are getting some much needed rain today. The plants in the garden are looking green and succulent. Rain does that, cleans the air making the color of the foliage seem more vibrant and the air smell fresh. Rain also gives me an excuse to stay inside and do nothing. Today I’m being lazy and watching the all day marathon of “Dead Like Me”. The dogs make me go outside from time to time but for the most part my butt has been planted in my big comfy recliner. I should really be reading. I have 2 Nat.-Geos. and a few publications I need to read but I just cant get into it today. I think it’s because I have been so busy lately. My psyche just needs a rest and it’s taking advantage of the cloudy skies. Well I’m back to the recliner, who knows I might even take a nap.